Strength training vs running for fat loss?

@rapax No chance. It’s the opposite. Building lean muscle mass increases BMR which makes it easier to lose weight. Additionally, high impact cardio such as running isn’t really the best for your joints if you’re already overweight.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, strength training is the way to go.

That said cardio is absolutely essential. Do both but be realistic about what results you are going to get from each modality. Cardio is great for exactly that, cardiovascular health. Strength training is great for strength and improving body composition.
@ivymeow Yes and no. If we strictly take how much calories you burn. By doing cardio you burn more calories than by having a 60-90 minute weight lifting session. Thats why I said, both combined is the best option after all.
@rapax You said best bang for your buck is cardio. This is straight up wrong. Best bang for your buck to lose weight and keep it off is strength training. Source: study

Cardio leads to higher calorie burn / unit time. However, from a physiological perspective this is loss of fat, muscle and bone mass. The former being the only desirable effect. Resistance training results in the loss of fat and increase in muscle and bone mass, although significantly less cardiovascular stimulation than cardio.

Yes do both, but if you want to do only one and get the best results: strength / resistance training.

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