Struggling without a plan


New member
Hi, I'm a mid teens person trying to get a lean but muscular body so I look/feel more masculine (I'm AFAB with 30-35% body fat). I tried looking at that Jeremy ethier guy but 100+ dollars is rlly steep for a teen w/ no job lol. Specifically I was looking at his Shred 2.0 beginner setup. Tried looking for a viable link to get it free but no luck- all share links were 5+ months. I like the plan a lot bc I don't rlly know what I'm doing and I don't want to throw some random plans into a pot and not see any long-term results. Tracking things would be insanely helpful too.

If anyone has an unexpired share link to the Shred 2.0 plan please comment/DM it to me- same goes for any similar plan/tracking material that is free/you have a share link to. Any advice is appreciated; thank you in advance.
@leorganic I am also a newbie but much older than you. All I know so far is FITTER people do it small. Park far away from work or shopping centers. Walk everywhere instead of driving. Just have a couple 5 lb weights under the sofa (because they stub toes terribly bad)! And whenever you’re in a free space, grab those weights
@leorganic I believe that then you would want to focus your lower body on pure strength training, to make them stronger and more muscular but not big. Which means basically, heavy weight, few repetitions. Also if your lower body muscles start looking bigger than you want them to be, you can just stop working out the lower body and the muscles will start to shrink down. Also your AFAB biology will work against your goals and try to build big thighs and a big butt. So I would recommend not doing squats but rather more conventional deadlift instead.

Upper body will be easier as you can follow any regular program for that, maybe focusing more on shoulder exercises to make your silhouette more masculine looking.

To get abs you will need to do two things, lose as much body fat as possible and doing some ab exercises.