Sun Warrior v. Vega v. True Nutrition?


New member
I'm having way too much soy, so I wanted to replace the soy protein powder I have with a Rice/Hemp/Pea combo since I hear so much about it.

Which of these three would you recommend? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?

@merrily I've used all 3, here's my take.
  • Vega Sport's easy to find and has a neat design. I don't care for the taste (Vanilla, not bad or good, just alright), and it's expensive as fuck. (About 25 servings of 26g of protein for about $50)
  • Sun Warrior's (Warrior Blend) great smooth taste, but has the least protein from the 3 at the mid-range price point. (40 servings of 19g of protein for about $40)
  • True Nutrition: a little chalky and the taste can be overpowering even on the lowest option (Vanilla Cake Batter whatever), but it packs the most protein for the pricepoint and is really worth it buy more than 1lb at a time. (23g of protein, depends on how much you buy but starts at about 15 servings for $15 [including shipping] and goes up from there.)
I'm sticking to True Nutrition from now on since I'm trying to keep my costs at a minimum, but if money isn't an issue I'd go for the Vega Sport.
29.2 oz per bottle (jar? whatever) is 1.825lbs. But yeah, TrueNutrition is roughly 1/2.5th of the price.
@dawn16 Yeah that's just weird Amazon pricing.

Edit: Wow, that's actually their website pricing.

Editedit: Also it's actually $43 if you hit the coupon button and it isn't just protein powder, it has BCAAs and other stuff, but it's still mad expensive. I guess it's like my dad always said - if it's not on sale, don't buy it.

I love Vega as a company though.
@merrily As far as a balance of taste, texture, and price, I think Plant Fusion is the best option. Vega and Sun Warrior are expensive, and True Nutrition just doesn't taste very good.
@merrily There is literally zero chance you will notice any difference as far as protein concentration or calories or whatever from any of the three proteins in any athletic performance perspective. Whatever you like best taste wise and can afford is the best protein for you

Now let's you just hit them downvotes
@merrily I can't compare as I have only used Vega Performance Protein, but I can comment on that product. It is expensive, but it is much more palatable than some of the cheaper, sweeter vegan powders (costco had a horrible one). I have used it every day for a long time and I am not getting sick of it.
@merrily I seriously thought this was an /r/gaming thread based on the title until I got to the word "Nutrition", at which point I was thoroughly confused.
@merrily I can vouch for the Sun Warrior "Raw Vegan Natural" product, I used it for quite awhile before switching to just using raw hemp by itself.