Svetlana Veselova: “I’m Suing the CrossFit Games” - Veselova failed an in-competition drug test, received a 4-year sanction

@love4truth If the court decides that a person signed up for an event thereby accepting the rulebooks and if CF, LLC did not violate its own rulebook then there is no case, and it doesnt matter what kind of bodily fluid is involved or that some the other details of the case are different.
@grace4nan This is all a case around section 18 of the CrossFit Games drug policy. It depends if she submitted a full TUE a month and a half before the Games and CrossFit never responded. Thats the case here not the PED or how it was or wasn’t transmitted to her.
@love4truth Right. I missed an 'if' in my post.

" if CF, LLC did not violate its own rulebook then there is no case"

Any athlete who tests positive for a banned substance and has not been granted a TUE for that substance, even if they have submitted a TUE form that is currently under review, may be charged with a positive drug test and subject to sanctions.

It doesn't seem that she has a granted TUE in her hands (never received a reply), so there is no case for her.
@grace4nan Hmm… After reading the article it seems as though ESH? She wrote them with a bullshit excuse for doping and let them know she was doping. CF, knowing this, allowed her to compete and then failed her. She should not have doped, CF should not have allowed her to compete in the first place given that she literally admitted to it before the games. Jesus fucking Christ, what a shit show.
@grace4nan Sweet f-ing baby jesus, just took a look at her IG. Regardless of the rights & wrongs of this specific incident, that's the most blatantly egregious gear use I've seen in a long while. You almost have to admire the sheer temerity on display here.
@grace4nan Why would you travel if you had no response from HQ with your letter to them. I am pretty sure I would be calling 24/7 and even messaging TDC for someone to relay back to me they had received my letter stating the PED issue.
@grace4nan "Your honor, all I wanted was to tell CrossFit how I unknowingly took a PED by giving my boyfriend a blowjob. Therefore, I should not be given a full suspension." - Emily Abbott (probably)
@grace4nan Blaming an athletic organization for not banning your PRIOR to a competition due to your use of banned substances is really stupid. The way I read it, Crossfit was silent on the whole thing prior to the games (as they should be).

An athlete is the only person responsible for what they put into their bodies. Stop blaming the organization for enforcing the rules when you failed a drug test. You knowingly took a banned substance. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are and it doesn't matter if it was prescribed by a doctor or not. It was banned and you put it into your body. That is all that matters. Take responsibility for your own actions.

I really hope she does sue so that the court can put her in her place.
@grace4nan Yeah Crossfit fucked this didn't they. If she's had surgery and has been prescribed a banned substance to help with recovery from that surgery, then sure I can see not letting her compete..but a four year ban? What's she meant to have said, "sorry doctor I'd actually like my body to not heal".