Svetlana Veselova: “I’m Suing the CrossFit Games” - Veselova failed an in-competition drug test, received a 4-year sanction

@tigr what she should have done is - withdrew from competition knowing she's taking a banned substance.

dear police, i'm about to drive 20km/h over the limit. but because i told you and you did nothing about it i will now sue you
@grace4nan Wow. Russians really do cheat at every given opportunity, don’t they? And using the exact drug that Sharapova got popped for lol. Meldonium has been banned for 7 years now. I don’t buy the surgery excuse either, as it has an elimination half-life of 5-15 hours for detection, so she was clearly using it all the way up to the games.
@grace4nan A clegal ase would be interesting because it could expose more about the inner workings of the anti doping program.

As for this speciific case. Applying for a medical exemption does not mean you are getting the exemption. A medical exemption long before the games should not have be above levels at the games. Personally I feel all medical exemptions should be public in all sports (don't need to know what the underlaying ailment is but if athletes XYZ are huffing asthma steroids other athletes and fans deserve to know. e.g. allegely over alf the liverpool soccer team is on asthma meds. )

From my understanding CF only does compound research (secondary test), once an athlete goes beyond the acceptable limits.

Most competitive athletes in all sports that use PEDs will be careful to stay below the limits. In practicality: take a micro dose right after the whereabouts window has expired.