Switching from 6 day ppl to 5 day split?


New member
Last 6 months I have been on this cut and been training every day (mainly to create discipline) be it lifting or cardio. Its been going very well and I lost nearly 27 pounds while maintaining my strength. still need 10. But im taking these two weeks off around christmas cause its been draining me recently along with the 40 hours at work and I feel very fatigued.

Currently doing a 6 day ppl:
- m: push
- tu: morning 5k run, pull post work
- w: 1 hour swim
- th: morning 5k run, legs/abs post work
- f: push
- sa: morning 5k run, pull workout
- su: legs/abs
- also do 600 pushups a week.

Im wanting to switch to 5 days lifting and 3 days cardio (and cut out the push ups) to balance it more. I like cardio for my mental health and stamina as well and preferably do it on the mornings im working from home (tuesday/thursday) and want to leave more time in the weekend for the family.
Problem is I struggle with cardio the day after legs so I came up with this PHAT variation going forward for the remainder of this cut, maintenance and eventual bulk.
I added arms specifically cause I feel I lack these the most with the current 6 day ppl.
  • Monday: morning 5k run, lower body power training post work
  • Tuesday: Upper body power training
  • Wednesday: 1 hour swim
  • Thursday: morning 5k run, lower body hypertrophy post work
    • Friday: back/chest hypertrophy
  • Saturday: shoulders + arms hypertrophy
  • Sunday: rest
Is this a solid plan or should I stick to the previous 6 day ppl with cardio (till I reach my GW) or another schedule?

Thanks for your responses.
@chris77777 It look solid, but i am not into those super cardio thing, i am planning start some cardio morning routine like you, and my training routine are going to be

Cardio and abs every morning (warm up with pull ups and push ups)
legs pull push lower upper after work - that division may be cool to you
@davisalw Yeah a variation of ulxppl is also possible I guess. Its difficult when you need to factor in work, family time, gym being crowded at certain times and cardio.
@chris77777 Do you have to fit your training program into 7 days? Seems like you were already into something that works for you, but feeling like you were cramming too much into one week. How about just stretching that week out into 8 or 9 days and give yourself a little more time to rest? Since you have an hour or more everyday to train, it seems like it shouldn't be a big deal to reorganize it over a wider timeframe.

If that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, I don't see why your 5x split wouldn't work. Splits are really just a way to organize your weekly volume. You can do whatever you want. People normally recommend PPL because it's an easy way to organize hitting each muscle group twice a week with lots of recovery time between. Just cause it's easy to think about doesn't mean it's best for you though. Experiment and see what your body responds best to and fits your lifestyle and goals the most.
@chris77777 Thought about trying a full body split? Could do that 2/3 times a week then an arm day?
Also could you not do walks instead of the runs of your feeling fatigued? Or even bike
@2witnesses I guess im feeling fatigued due to working out 183 days in a row haha. Im sure it will go away onve the schedule is less demanding.

But yeah, I have been thinking about doing a type of full body split with basically adding legs to my push and pull days.
I can do abs at home.

That would make it something like this
- Monday: push + squat/leg press
- Tuesday: morning run, pull + rdl, leg extensions, leg curls and calves
- Wednesday swim
- Thursday: morning run, same as monday
- Friday: same as tuesday.
- Saturday: arms
- Sunday rest

Only thing in doubting is of its too much on arms like that? And maybe that I should switch pull/push days and do shoulders along with arms?
@chris77777 Running three times a week and swimming, you must have crazy conditioning dude. On top of weights, I would be feeling like crap as well, what's your calories like, maybe you just need a bit of a diet break , go back to maintenance for a couple of weeks and then carry on with your deficit
@chris77777 183 days in a row would definitely make you fatigued haha Yeah, i think shoulders and arms would be good. I used to do them together.

However, what i do now might be good for you to, which is torso/limbs split. Monday chest back shoulders, Tuesday legs and arms, then repeat. I started with 4 days then moved to 5, with the 5th being more chest focused for me.
@chris77777 I don’t see a problem with your proposed split. I’ve just started a 5-day split that looks like this:


I’m not doing as much cardio as you are but you should be able to slot cardio in on the Tuesday/Thursday mornings where legs shouldn’t hold you back as much.

Personally I love having the 2 consecutive rest days on the weekend, it really helps me come in fresh on Monday.