Team U.S.A. Gymnastics member, Brandon Wynn, will be joining us for an AMA on Sunday, April 5th! Click here for the sweet, sweet details

@groo101 Thanks for making this possible, I'm a huge fan of Brandon Wynn, but sadly I might not be there for the AMA. Hopefully you can ask him the following questions:

-When constructing routines, do you try to maximize difficulty, or are you conscious of artistry and individuality?

-Running off of the previous question, how do you decide to get a new skill, do you just look at numbers or do you work skills that "look pretty" regardless of whether they come easily or not?

-Do you consider yourself an all arounder or a rings/ pbars specialist?

-What's more important to you, difficulty or execution? (Which is better, old CoP or new)

-Who is your favorite gymnast of all time? Currently?

-Who is your role model?

-All the other events have a G valued skill on them, the rings don't. What skill (competed or not) would you think has the potential of becoming a G?

-What is the future of mens gymnastics in the USA? In the world?

-Congratulations on having the front azarian to invert named after you! Did you do it to have an eponymous skill? to expand the sport? Because it's cool?

Thanks again, so glad you did this!!!
@walterburkhardt44 A static front lever pull to victorian would probably be a G if it were ever successfully competed.

Also inverted hang press through to inverted cross (inverted butterfly) would merit the rating as well, I think.
@joeybaggz Yea, I thought the front lever to Victorian would be a G, but since all Victorians I've seen are a little bent arm, I doubt it would be performed cleanly (probably like most Balandin/ Pineda entry skills are done now) but I haven't thought about the inverted butterfly. That sounds possible and would look incredible! Thanks!
  • How often do you practice your ring routine per week?
  • How do you manage gymnastics and weights? I often see photos of you with weights.
  • Are you often sored from workouts? How do you handle it?
  • Do you often work until muscle failure?
  • What is the best routine to gain muscle as well as develop skills at the same time?
  • How do you combine crossfit and gymnastics?
  • How many calories do you eat to maintain your muscle mass?
  • How does your diet looks like? Do you count macros? If yes, what are your macros?
@dougra2000 Oh no, that doesn't denote what time it is. It's the annotation for what Mountain Time is. UTC-7:00 refers to the time offset that subtracts 7 hours from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), this is how time zones are referred to outside of the U.S.
@dougra2000 Haha, well to make it easier for you, there's no set time yet. I'll be trying to confirm that with Brandon tonight or tomorrow and I'll put up another announcement and PM you about it personally. He'll most likely make his initial post at around 10:00AM Mountain Time, which should be 9:00AM Pacific. Again, nothing is set in stone yet in terms of time.
@dougra2000 What? It will still be on Sunday. I was just saying that I will be confirming tonight or tomorrow with Brandon what time exactly he will be doing this. It will most likely be 10AM Mountain Time.

He also hasn't made his account yet either. I'll have to confirm that with him too.