The Gains Lab a quick check in


New member
Hi all,

I have noticed a few threads about being difficult to reach. I'm a few days behind on emails.

TLDR: We're in the midst of a very big upgrade to all of the programs to allow for increased individualization. We're expanding very very fast; I'm building a data collection and analytics module for all aspects of your fitness and training. I have a degree in Mathematics and I've been a Games Athlete / gym owner, so I guess my two worlds of Athlete and Mathlete are finally merging into one. I know it sucks and I take responsibility for the delays. I'm getting through it as fast as I can. I'm on 5 hours of sleep a night and will continue as long as necessary to get caught up.

Some more detail:

I've re-designed all of the programs to be industry leaders in data collection and analytics to allow for personalization. Many of you who are using YoE have seen YoE 2.0. YoE 2.0 includes the ability to
  • log your score and calculate your pace, then view results graphically
  • track your score across day types, weeks and months
  • analyze your results to gain insights into your physiological capabilties.
For example, the ratio between your glycolytic intervals and your time trials provide evidence about the relationship between your glycolytic and aerobic systems, and informs future training. Numerous other data points to other aspects of your physiology. This platform is already live and we've had over 100 people join this year. We know of some bugs - show me a tech project without any - but we're fixing them.

The Applied Power framework now calculates
  • Key ratios among your lifts to identify imbalances and inform technical work
  • Strength to weight ratios, goals and percentage of goal achieved
  • Total intensity based on user-entered RPE
  • % of the program completed and aggregate fatigue loading
At the end of the cycle, we can look back at these factors and track your gains, the reps done, the intensity of the reps done, etc and figure out how you gain.

The Skills blocks collect your information from intake and apportion your off the clock work based on motor learning principles to different groups: Progressions, Low Volume Reinforcement, High Volume Reinforcement, and Contextual interference. We can also track the number of reps you did of each skill, whether you did sets unbroken, and so on. After testing, we can relate your practice to your results and adjust on the fly.

We're upgrading the MetCon blocks to interact with the skills block. For example, are you breaking Double Unders in MetCons but not in skills? Can you do a set of 10 Ring MU in practice but break up sets of 5 in a MetCon? We will be able to answer this question and others.

In conclusion: I've built and put into service massive upgrades that allow for data collection beyond what is currently available in most programs. As of now:

YoE 2.0 - active

AP 2.0 - active

Dominate / Competitor 2.0 - already includes the AP 2.0 modules and YoE calculations, though not the full YoE analytics suite. Skills Block goes in today and will include:
  • Assignment at the task level to appropriate training volume and block design based on your proficiency at the task
  • Counting the number of reps completed and whether the sets were unbroken or not
So - again - I'm terribly sorry the delays. I believe we are creating a set of solutions that go far beyond "programming" and can give athletes and coaches unmatched transparency into their development. Some of it is already live, the rest is on the way, probably today. Again I am terribly sorry for the delays, but I hope that most of you will be pleased with the results.

A few other things:

Reddit Bans: I have no idea. I am told it is for violations of the Content Policy. My last account had two posts, only in here, so I am not sure what is wrong, and Reddit admins won't tell me. I never posted anywhere else with a "Gains Lab"- named account, so I have no idea, and I've made peace with being a smaller presence on Reddit. If they get this squared away, I'll come back and post more. All of my accounts that I used in this forum have TheGainsLab in the name, so it's not exactly hard to know if it's me. I do this to avoid "you're a shill bro" - yes, I am a shill for the things I create. (I have other accounts for talking about other topics on other forums).

Other stuff: Nothing is "wrong", "fishy", "shady" or "suspicious" on my end. The business is expanding and I am wearing two hats during the upgrades. I may have miscalculated the time required to get there. But I believe it will be worth it, and I accept all responsbility for the delays.

Back to work I go. :)
@pilgrimseeker Is not providing the service people have paid for in order to work on a things people haven't asked for but you find very interesting good? It doesn't sound good.
@pilgrimseeker I’m all aboard for this. I just want to know when I’ll get my Feb program seeing as no one has answered me for over three weeks and after payment has gone through…

Edit: has ANYONE heard from GL or gotten a program in February after paying?
@treefencecar Exact same boat man, was my third month and spent three weeks waiting for the program before I back-charged the card and tried to cancel... still no response.

Was definitely a fan of the programming and I might go back, but the lack of response is pretty rough. Pretty easy "send all" kind of e-mail with something like "Hey, I'm gonna be super late this month, won't charge you until I send the program" would have been a totally different case.
@dawn16 You're 100% right - I should have made this post earlier. Growth and expansion overwhelmed me. I'm gonna work until we are caught up. I sent out a few today and will keep going, It's 3:28am so I need a quick snooze I've already reached out to some tech people to offload the new product development so we don't have a repeat.

When I get this under control, we'd love to have you back. Sorry for any inconveniences and if there's a payment issue we'll get it right.
@pilgrimseeker I’ve been following YoE for 11 months now, and it’s been terrific. I haven’t had any programming delayed, so I can’t speak to that, but I’ve always gotten answers back from questions in a few days.

The new programming sheets are pretty cool and a big step up from the old PDF’s. No, it’s not necessary to make progress, but it does give a lot more data and feedback than the old static written assignments and is a lot more value. It’s been worth the wait.

/my2cents /notashilloralt
@pilgrimseeker As someone who’s used your programming for 7 months, I have to say that I’m stoked for the upgrades, the system and communication methods we used weren’t the best but the results were undeniable. I’ve always wanted the analytic part of the program so this will probably make me return as the wods and programming were very good. I’ve never doubted you and those who call you shady or suspicious don’t know your work ethic and professionalism.

Good luck and keep doing the good work coach :)
@pilgrimseeker I have completed 3 years of YoE. I have had a positive experiences dealing with Matt. If there are problems that arise with billing or getting the program information to you, he will fix those problems and make things right. He will answer your questions, should any arise. Those answers and fixes might not come in the time you'd expect. Sometimes it took a few days to get the next month's programming. Just anticipate this and plan accordingly. It's easy to get angry when you have to wait a few days in the on-demand world in which we live. Just relax and appreciate a well-designed program at a reasonable price.

edit: Your expectations should be reasonable. Don't expect $150/month coaching for $25/month.
@dawn16 Have you made a lot of progress in these 3 years? Do you have saved how much you improved the results in 2k row, 10 min max cal etc? I'm very interested in it.
@pilgrimseeker This is actually super exciting to hear, I was on the Dominate program which I thought was tremendous value but ultimately left because I just didn't think the individualization was there for what I needed
@pilgrimseeker I emailed last week to cancel and yet got another program today. Unfortunately program wasn’t working for me and I am not interested in another quarter. I forwarded last week’s email again. But I will dispute the credit card charges as it appears I was sent the new program early so I assume I was charged. Very frustrating to not have other way to contact aside from an email where there is no response.
@pilgrimseeker Trying this to see if I can get a response as there have been crickets from the email account. I am overdue YOE Month 13 which is frustrating as I am missing training sessions, but even more frustrating because I was charged for it yesterday as well.
@pilgrimseeker Gains Lab is a scam. I know because I got suckered. It looks good and there are some good reviews on here however I think those are likely fake now that I have been a customer. There are far better programs out there from legit organizations like Mayhem for example. My experience was this: 1) Charged 95$ for an Excel spreadsheet with a few weeks of programming. Super simple stuff like endurance runs, sprints and intervals. Super basic. 2) Excel spreadsheet looks cool at first but a lot of the options really don't give you anything. No value in filling it out as the end result is useless. 3) The biggest issue was the customer service. When I realized it was a scam, I asked to cancel. That's when he ignores you and keep charging. Its the old school gym trick to get as much money from you as possible. 4) They switched to an app that doesn't work.

Overall I had high hopes for this but turns out he is a con man who is good with Excel. Programming isnt good and he will just keep charging your CC. Stay away.