The Wolf


New member
Since this didn't seem to be spelled out anywhere on Reddit:

CleanF SquatSnatch
F SquatPressF Squat
CleanF SquatF Squat
F Squat_Clean
__F Squat

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:

All complexes of sets of 5, double kbs, F Squat = Front Squat.

Weeks 1/2/3: 3/4/5 complexes, Work:Rest = 1:2

Weeks 4/5/6: 3/4/5 complexes, Work:Rest = 1:1.5

ie in week 1, Clean x5, F Squat x5, Press x5, Clean x5, F Squat x5 with no rest, then if that took 3 mins, rest for 6mins. Repeat 2 more times.

From Geoff Neupert's, More Kettlebell Muscle (which contains 20 6-9 week programs in total).
@fbgah Just finished the first week. PDF also found on chasing strength website (Neupert’s website). Started too heavy and I quickly learned that I needed to lower the weight I was using.
@fbgah I know someone else doing this program who's so strong he hardstyle (half)snatches 2x44 kg for reps and The Wolf is kicking his butt with dual 32's. From a glance, this is the most gruelling popular KB program I've seen. Even a guy with pretty decent strength and conditioning would find 20's a legit challenge.
@loves2readya Hey dual 40 kg is awesome, I can barely do 32's a d never attempted 36's.

He is Rugged Fitness Lifestyle on Instagram.


He does them with fitness bells as opposed to comps. He comes in pinky-first rather than thumb first, which is nuts. Nice humble guy. We used his Minimalist KB Program, 4 days 4 weeks. Pretty challenging, highly recommended.
@jwilson757 I consider myself to be well conditioned(avid trail runner in the WNC mountains so my conditioning is really dialed in) and fairly strong(can go pull 400lb on a whim at 165lb....not much by some peoples standard but I think that's at least decent) and The Wolf on days 2 and 3 each week is kicking my fuckin ass....but I love it, and I can already tell differences in my endurance and leg power on trail runs. Probably gonna run The Wolf twice a year.
@jwilson757 Look into the original Kettlebell Muscle. I waited years to find the actual book, but a kind individual has posted the program on this sub so you can view it. The Wolf is incredibly easy in comparison.
Also the book talks about playing with his programs. Even running more than one at a time. I recently changed cleans to swings and holy shit.
@fbgah So I see lots of posts on how hard this is and obviously it’s popular. What kind of results do people see from it? Anybody who’s done it before or doing it now care to share?
@ashlynlp 13 min was how long Day 1 of Week 1 took me. I almost never rest longer than a minute so this will take some getting used to. But even with the extended rest it's tough and kicked my butt with my 2x35# kbs
@fbgah This may be a stupid question, but how do you maintain the work to rest ratio?

Do you just time yourself on each set and then rest accordingly?

That seems like the most straight forward way, though probably not super accurate, if that matters much...
@matthewbridges10 I start a timer. When I finish the first set, I note the time and triple it. That is when I start set 2. Then I double the time I started set 2, and that is when I start set 3.

So if I finish the set at 1:30. Set 2 starts at 4:30 and set 3 starts at 9:00.