The Wolf

@fbgah I am running the wolf now, and really like it. I am on week 2. I thought the light days were too light, so I add on Geoff's 15 min "Bolt-ons" for squat, bench, DL per day and I am doing it every other day with light conditioning/stretching on my days off.
@fbgah These are surely newbie questions, but here I go: 1) I assume that the same kettlebell weight is used for all exercises? 2) My snatches have gotten a lot better, but that's with only one kettlebell; once I break out two kettlebells, then they get a little shitty. Would you do them one at a time only for snatches or should I do a weight that's light enough for me to perform double KB snatches even if it's too light for the other exercises?
@curlysouffle The double snatch is the limiter in the Wolf and you should use the weight that you can double snatch for 5, or probably 8 reps. If you want, or need, to go off the program, maybe replace the double snatch with a push press or a jerk. But also, sometimes you are just not yet ready for a certain program.

And yes, same weight all the time. Most complexes work like that.
@juancarlos Just wanted to thank you for the additional information, it's appreciated. I'll substitute double-snatches with one the exercises you suggested, but will also continue to practice double-KB snatches with lesser weight until I get the hang of them.