Pull[ 2 ] mid back and rear delt focused
-facepull 4 x 12 [40]
-normal bicep curls 4 x 10[25]
-rear flys 4 x 12[65]
-chin pulldown 4 x 10[100]
-lat pulldown 4 x 10[100]
- 4 x 12 rows [75]
-preacher curls 4 x 8 [65]
-single dumbell row 4 x 10 [25]

[ 1 ] lat focused
- normal bicep curls 4 x 10[25]
- cable chinups 4 x 10 [100]
-cable lat pulldown 4 x 10[100]
-incline dumbell rows 4 x 9[25]

-lat pulldown mschine 4 x 10[100]
- concentration curl 4 x 19[20]
-row mschine 4 x 10
-facepull 4 x 14[30]
-rear delt flys 4 x 10[65]
@thelordskingdom777 I would love to give my thoughts to this, however it looks really confusing.

Can you format it in a presentable manner, maybe like this:

[1] pull:

Lat pull down 3x12

Rows 3x12


[2] pull:

@thelordskingdom777 its bad, you dont need to do rear delt flies if ur doing facepulls or facepulls if ur doing rear delt flies.

Changes i would make

For pull 2, remove one pull down and focus on rows because ur doing a mid back focused day. Pick 2 rowing exercise and then one vertical pulling (latpulldowns chinups pullups), you have two rear delt exercises, i recommend picking just one but u can do 2. Then do your bicep exercises. Because you are focusing on your mid back, put your 2 bicep workouts at the end. if you want traps you can put shrugs in both ur pulls.

For pull 1 where your focused on lats

Only do one rear delt exercise on this day. remove one pulldown and thats it. idk how you order ur exercise but since ur pull 1 is lat-focused, for anything that deals with lats do them first and biceps and rear delt after.