Thoughts/Opinions/Review of Linchpin's Private Track?

@stairesdustin86 While I probably don't need to help convince you to at least try it, I will put in my opinion...
  • It is, by far, the best GPP program I've come across. Only followed closely by r/tacticalbarbell.
  • You will not do a strength+metcon everyday; that's ok. You don't need to.
  • Like @puregold020 said, you will run and sprint. Surprisingly these are beneficial to your weightlifting days along with helping your endurance.
  • And a note that not everyone brings up is that he gives you options on how to scale everything. And strongly encourages you scale more than you RX. Listen to his podcast or Instagram stories on scaling. Are you traveling or in a limited environment? He has options for that and they are usually more difficult than the RX or scaled.
@stairesdustin86 Sustainable programming that has RX, scaled, lifted equipment and no equipment options. Plus a video everyday that explains the intent and teaches how to scale the workout to each the desired stimulus.

I have followed it for 6 months now and understand the CrossFit methodology for for first time

Plus you get a “heavy day” once every week or two where the goal is to lift heavy and invest in the process.

Best $10 dollars I spend per month.
@stairesdustin86 Linchpin has a 14 day trial, what do you have to lose? It’s been great for me. In addition having BTWB is a bonus, you can track work outs or lifts that you might be doing that is not necessarily programmed by Linchpin.
@stairesdustin86 I’ve followed the main site for CF and other online programs for GPP or job related fitness — atomic athlete, mountain/military athlete, end of three fitness, and Linchpin. Linchpin is by far my favorite for the value, community, and ease of use. I do think that some of the job specific programs I had ran were better from a specificity and programming aspect but not by much. I feel like when I’m doing LP, it’s like crossfit but better if that makes sense. I’ve got nothing but great things to say about Pat and his programming and I am more injury free now than ever before.
@stairesdustin86 I like it and still pay for it even though I am trying something else right now. I still check it weekly to see what the workouts are and sometimes sub it in to my workout. For that really low price you get access to btwb which is a good tracking program. Good options for subs on cardio things.
A few caveats though. First I find there can be a huge difference between the scaled and rxd workouts. You don't get tracked compared to the community without doing the assigned workouts. But I would just change things a little and say it's modified not a big deal. Second the accessory work is a little bit repetitive and in my case very hard on the impingement in my shoulders. But once again I just modify a little.
@stairesdustin86 Perfect timing with this question! I’m almost done spec’ing out my home gym and Linchpin has been at the top of my list of programs to try, so I basically had the same questions. These comments have convinced me to not even try anything else first.
@stairesdustin86 I started back in Nov/Dec last year and I love it. Like others said, some days are brutal and some days you feel like you didn't do too much. But on a day to day basis my body feels much healthier/functional and i have noticed a lot of benefits. I highly recommend it and you can not beat the price. 100% give it a try.
@jbh They've been in the game for about the same amount of time, Pat and Miranda are both OG. For me a big selling point is the beyond the whiteboard membership (I'm not sure if SP comes with that or not).
@stephanieks Yea I had no idea how much better white board was than wodify. Wodify is always crashing and the interface isn't always that nice to look at. For $10 a month I might just keep it for supplement wods....
@stairesdustin86 Well. It works and it is gentle on your body. I have been a affiliated for over a year. Started a real crap and worked consistently. I feel very well, lifting heavy and getting fit. Couldn’t ask for more.