tips for losing skinny fat weight as a beginner?


New member
i'm looking to basically just become lean, since i've been gaining a lot of fat in my face and stomach and overall i'm looking to become more fit. i am 20 years old, 5'10, and about 178lbs (slightly overweight w/ 25.5 bmi) so it's high time i finally start working out for the first time in my life. i found a push/pull routine that i think looks good, and i just wanted advice regarding this. is 3 days of just this good enough for me to achieve body recomp (including a slight caloric deficit) or should i involve some cardio or anything else? advice would be appreciated, my goal is really just to lose this extra fat initially and eventually have a lean/toned body. thanks!
@thenewmanng If you really want to recomp your body you should eat just as you do and train. This will allow you to build some muscle. If you go into a deficit you will just become skinny