Tips for losing weight without counting calories intensely


New member
Hello I am 18f 5’7” and about 160 pounds. I gained about ten pounds on campus and I’m trying to shave it off and keep it off going into this fall. My goal is to hit 135-140 by September. I have been going to the gym 3-5 days a week and have seen solid strength progress but not a lot of weight loss. I have recently started incorporating more cardio in my workouts hoping that will do the trick. Any tips that don’t involve counting calories (I had a terrible relationship with food during quarantine and don’t wanna risk that happening again)?
@fight_forever You don't need to count calories super precisely, but being aware of calories is very important. It's super easy to think youve not eaten a lot, but you've had a few extremely, calorically dense foods.

Focus on eating fresh, whole foods. Avoid/limit ultra processed foods (bread, pasta, cereal, chips, crackers, sweets) and anything deep fried or cooked in a lot of fat. Focus on high protein. Don't avoid all dietary fat though. And then it's just a matter of being consistent.

If you can get your eating under control, losing a pound a week is solid progress. Going faster than that may be difficult without calorie tracking unless you are able to be very strict and consistent and have a high calorie burn. You wouldn't really wanna go too much faster than about 1.5lbs a week though
@fight_forever What’s the one biggest habit you have that’s impeding your weight loss? What would have the biggest effect for the good if you could change it? What step can you take that puts you 1% closer to changing for the good?

For example, maybe you have a grande Starbucks drink 3 times a week. Can you just have a tall? Can you just have a lower cal option? Can you make something at hime.

Just an example, but maybe there’s something you know is impeding your weight loss that you’re holding on to.