Tips to help U/L programming (HIT?) - how to ensure I do a bit of the minimum weekly dosage?


New member
Hi all,

Currently on a 4x @sandys split that suits my own schedule.

I try to employ a HIT mindset, also because it's a bit more time-friendly and I can bang shit out.

The Leg days are fairly okay, given I do something like (twice a week):

3x - Squat + leg extensions / (Smith Squats + leg extensions) [each]

3x - RDL + leg curl [each]

for the two leg days. This yields ~12 sets per muscle group in the week (for each of quads and hamstrings; and calves I count separately).


However, for the upper body days, I find this to be a challenge on the pushing-related muscle groups like the delts.

I typically do (twice a week):

3x - chest-press and shoulder press (with wider grip to hit the lateral delts more)

3x - a pulldown/pullup and horizontal row. I find rear delts can be fit with these rows, but otherwise supplement with rear-delt fly machine.

Arms will follow suit after these exercises.

I occasionally sprinkle lateral raises depending if I can use them when it's not so busy.

However, I find that I am probably doing more frontal-delt work, and ponder if one of my push days should just have lateral raise work instead of another shoulder press.


Am keen to hear feedback or other ideas. I try not to do too many exercises only because of time constraints and just want to get bang-for-buck.
@theodor98 This looks more like standard moderate volume/programming (which I’m more for) than “actual HIT”, which would see you do only 1 set, 2 sets max on each exercise.

If you want more time efficiency just employ a version of antagonist superset (which maybe you do already).
@theodor98 no proper arm,traps,forearm,calf,abs,neck.

chest and shoulders can be better with some incline presses and rear,lateral delt isolation.

also okey i am not hit expert but wasn't it like 2 workout per week mostly? isn't 4 days for week too much for hit?
@theodor98 The question is, Are you making noticeable progress in your physique?

If you're progressing, then keep doing it.

If progress seems slow, then you would probably want to change things up.

If you're not seeing any progress, ask for routine recommendations. Good lifting!