Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

@p77cf You need to make it a ritual. Habits are easy, even if the action seems hard. After a lot of repetition and consistency it gets easier. I recommend setting an alarm, not allowing yourself to snooze, and drinking a pre-workout (some might disagree here, but I personally need the caffeine burst to get myself going.)
@p77cf Your brain is like a forest :)
There are paths that are well cleared to which your habit is formed
When we're trying to form a new path, we gotta do a lot of clearing of the bushes and trees to make the path clear!

Start small, once or twice a week - as soon as that alarm goes off, try to slug out of bed! Even if it means rolling out rather than sitting up lol
@p77cf Everyone saying the same and it’s true, you have to just do, don’t think. Personally, I have to kind of just turn my brain off and go through the motions of getting up and getting ready and leaving, don’t think about how shitty it is just do it half asleep if you have to. Next thing you know you’re in the car and pulling up and then you don’t feel so bad. Rinse wash repeat and eventually it is habit and doesn’t bother you near as much.
@p77cf Get a coach or other member to be your accountability partner. In our 5:30 am class if someone says they want help getting to the class, we trade numbers to gently encourage showing up. Knowing someone is looking forward to seeing you helped me to start and might help you?
@p77cf All of the idea come down to commitment. You have already joined and love it, now just stick to it. You could also find a self imposed punishment. Something like every time you don’t show up you owe the coach that class 20$, it will add up quick if you don’t go and your coach will love you😂😂
@p77cf Action creates motivation.

Don't eat too close to bed time. Don't hit the snooze button and put your alarm in a place you have to physically get up to turn off. First thing you do in the morning is brush your teeth, you won't go back to sleep.
@p77cf Do you have to reserve a spot in class? If so book it the day before. If you bail you’ll probably hear about it from the coach which might get you out of bed
@p77cf For me (M66) the discipline of hitting the ground when the alarm goes off started with my daily grind job that I hated going to but never ever missed or was late. After I retired from slinging steel on the dock I immediately took up CF. So I just decided I was gonna go every day, 6:30 AM class, and never ever miss. Even if I’m traveling I always plan ahead and drop in somewhere. Wife hates that! 😂
So, Discipline, no negative self talk or excuses, and commit.
@p77cf Put out all your clothes the night before. Have the Keurig ready to go. It would be especially helpful if you set a timer on your coffee maker so that it fired up in time for you to have a coffee before class. The smell alone of coffee wakes people up. Have you water ready and contacts. Blah, blah, blah.... long story short, the more you do the night before and the more prepared you are in the morning, the more likely you are to go.
@p77cf I would talk to your doctor about your meds. Those could make you feel lack of motivation.

If it's not that, it sounds like you just need to get into a strong routine. Don't go a ton one week, I would maybe even suggest not going back-to-back days. If that time of day is difficult because you have to get yourself out of bed to go, maybe choose a different time of day. Take away obstacles until it's so much a part of your routine that it feels like something is missing when you don't go.
@p77cf I’m a 5am most days of the week and I find myself sometimes sneaking back to bed. On the days I don’t want to go I remind myself of how upset I am when I go back to sleep and how good I feel when I actually make it in the morning. Like other have said it’s a mental battle you just gotta keep beating
@p77cf A lot of people talking about discipline and motivation I think maybe don’t consider that a) motivation fatigue is very real, and b) everyone has different things going on in their lives that make being disciplined more or less hard. Look up willpower fatigue. I’m not positive this is what’s going on with you, but I know personally my ability to get out of bed at 4:30 to go to a class before work dropped significantly when I started nursing school. Now I’m a full time student still working a full time job and caregiving for my mom. I try to give myself grace because I know I make a lot of hard decisions day in and day out, and sometimes I just need to rest. It’s okay to let yourself take time to adjust.
@p77cf What everyone else has suggested and also premix a wake me up drink whatever that may be for you and keep it bedside. This is the only way I get up. Alarm goes off or if I wake up before it, I reach over and slam it then sit on my phone and 5 mins later bam I'm awake
@p77cf Is there a 9 or noon class?

Getting off at 5, I'm in bed by like 1030-1130. Off at 9, prob be like 230-330am. If I'm being honest, I wouldn't be able to stick with that class either.

Might just be as easy as going to a later class.
@p77cf Try a sunrise alarm clock! Slowly wakes your body up as the light increases. I find it’s a gentler way to wake up.

Set out your clothes and anything you need for the gym the night before. That way your alarm goes off and all you have to do is standup. No thinking needed.

I recommend getting blood work done and make sure everything looks good. If you’re low in B12 or something else that could be making your life harder!

And finally, make sure your nutrition is in a good place. I find when I eat poorly I’m lower energy and it’s harder to get moving.