Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! šŸ˜£

@p77cf New to CF and have been struggling to wake for early morning classes (best time for my schedule). Itā€™s been great for my mental health, but Iā€™m in the awkward spot where motivation has died out and determination is what keeps me going. One thing I read that really helped, especially because I was also feeling embarrassed about scaling my workouts etc. was DFL > DNF > DNS. (Dead fucking last is better than did not finish which is better than did not start)

Edit: rephrase being new to cf
@p77cf Sorry but none of us can help you. One of the great things about fitness is that you can't buy it, can't cheat it, can't rely on others for it. It's all on you and your own discipline, day in and day out. šŸ‘Š
@p77cf Getting to the gym early sets the tone for the rest of the day. That said, don't beat yourself up if you miss a day here and there. If you can't or don't make it in, go for a run (šŸ¤¢) instead.
@takecareyou No it does not. It might mellow you out because of the early hit from calorie expenditure if you have adhd and autism like me which might help with working on same task for prolonged periods of time. Otherwise it just not for everyone
@p77cf Try wearing gym clothes to bed and keep your gym shoes next to your bed, so that in the morning you pretty much just need to put on your shoes and you are ready to go! For more waking up early tips, you can read the 5 Am Club, it helped me a lot!
@fearey Or maybe you can try putting your gym close on as soon as you wake up? Then you probably donā€™t wanna go back to sleep.

For me the key is to start exercising as soon as possible.
@youradventistfriend Yea I think key is get out of bed as quick as possible when that alarm goes - literally doing this now as we speak, I have my clothes set out ready to go.

Youā€™re not the first person Iā€™ve seen suggest sleeping in the clothes, just personally canā€™t imagine it for me!
@p77cf Have you considered going to a later CrossFit class since youā€™re working evenings now? I get up around 5am to go to 5:45 or 7am classes, but I also go to bed at 8:30/9:00pm every night.
@p77cf I also found it helpful that I got close to the group that always goes to the morning class. I made it a point to create and go to hang outs with them, develop group chats, etc. Accountability was the most helpful for me! I'm naturally an extroverted person though and crave validation and friendship, so maybe that's why LOL