Too many calories?


New member
Hey y’all,
Currently I weigh ~145 lbs, looking to weigh 160 lbs. Right now I am eating roughly 4000 calories a day and close to 200 grams of protein each day. These calories are coming from healthy foods, not crap. Anyways what are y’all’s thoughts on consuming this many calories at this weight. I’ve always had a fast metabolism and have really struggled to put on weight, however I’ve read this is too much. What do y’all think? I calculated my macros and it said to only consume ~ 2600 calories and 164 g of protein but this feels too easy and like not enough, kinda like how much I’ve always eaten and never put on weight. There is another variable in this equation worth considering too. And that is that I race my bike for my school. Right now I’m in the off season prep phase in my training, so I am only riding about 4 hours a week at zone 2 intensity. However in a month I will be riding 14+ hours a week. Still plan to hit the gym for ~7-8 hours a week. Anyways what do y’all think is this too much protein and calories.
Sick of being skinny,
Thanks y’all.
@boot_camp 4000 calories a day is quite high, but the other guys don't seem to understand just how calorie intensive bicycle racing is.

They don't understand that its normal to overcook pasta intentionally to make it faster to digest because you need to eat so much that otherwise you'd shit yourself, or that you've gotta make a diet plan that enables you to eat on a bike or you'll bonk.

That said, if you're in a very easy part of your season, you wont probably need 4000 right now, but you probably will later. At high levels of training the calculators are extremely inaccurate, so definitely ignore the 2600 recommendation.

The easiest way to diagnose is: Are you getting heavier? if not, you need to up the food. If you're gaining too fast, you need to turn it down a little bit. The weight gain will show you what your intake will need to be.
@boot_camp If you’ve slowly worked up to 4000 calories after not gaining weight then, no, it isn’t too many calories. If you jumped from 2500 to 4000, then yes. You’ll gain weight but probably not the kind you want.
@boot_camp Bro I hit weights hard and do cardio a couple times a week and I hit about 4000 caps on a bulk. I weighed 197 lbs last time I checked. However, I know how much cycling burns and we could have different metabolisms so just track how much you gain this week and then decide from there whether to eat more or less.
@boot_camp Good God this is beyond stupid.

You are going to get fat, you're going to be farting and crapping yourself constantly, you are going to have miserable gains.

Your body can only make so much muscle at any given time, force feeding it does not make your body produce more muscle.

I'm not sure why you cannot access YouTube or any good part of the internet that would tell you this.

May God have mercy on your soul.
@sugarcookies +1

How long have you been tracking your calories, and Macros? Did you switch immediately from 2600 cal to 4000 ? There is some sense in slowly adding food to allow time for your bodies digestive system to adapt. That sounds like something you may want to look into.
@boot_camp I'm close to 200lbs
Lifting for 3.5yrs
Bodyfat % around 20
I do strength training and bodybuilding workout and my calorie intake is roughly 2900-3400cal with 130-140g protein
No idea why you're stuffing down so much protein n calories at that low bodyweight
@boot_camp So you took care pretty well on two important variables, that is cardio and nutrition, now you just need to take care of the most important one, that is working hard on the gym. If you think you will get big muscles from only eating and bicycling properly you will be disappointed. Magic is in the workout.