Too Much Volume?

@frustratedhusband The thought behind mine was to work my whole body every day of the week but have certain muscles get more focus each day. I’ll definitely find a more “structured “ program to work off of. Thanks bud
@4eyedfenix That seems like a lot. I also cut down my own volume due to the same concerns but yours is like, a lot. 10 exercises in the same day? What do you do the other 4-5 days you go? Spread that shit out man.
@4eyedfenix Not a pro but looks like too much. I aim for 7-8 exercises max and 3 sets of each (6 sets for my big counpound lift which is my first exercise). Total 15-25 sets per muscle per week depending on muscle. After 1h of hard work you lose mind-muscle focus and get tired so whatever you do is not as effective. I aim for 1h of lifting (or a bit less) then if I still want to workout I do cardio/yoga.
@4eyedfenix If you are pushing with any level of intensity you should be dead after the 4-5th exercise and even more so if you do 3 set per exercise
Are you very limited on days you can workout ?
If not I see no reason having this many exercises and muscles in 1 day
@zaphod1983 I’m definitely not using weight that isn’t somewhat challenging. I’m not “ego lifting” by any means, and I’ve been told before that lighter weight for more reps is better for building muscle and avoiding injury. At 39 years old I’m more interested in avoiding injury than most beginners would be. I’m definitely making gains, so the level of intensity I’m using is doing something… maybe not as much as possible. The reasoning for the number of exercises and muscle groups per day is because I’m aiming to get a full body workout, and I’ve got enough gas in the tank to keep going, so I do. With that being said, I’m new to this and I posted this routine for input, and I appreciate yours. Thanks bud
@4eyedfenix If these weights and volumes are done with good technique (read this in giant letters) then you are pretty strong and talented.

With good technique I mean good mind muscle connection, slow eccentric, control.
Can't believe you can keep this up for all sets with this volume and weight.
@seekeroftruth343 Yeah I’m focused on technique more than weight. All of my eccentric is slow and controlled, full ROM, and I stop if form gets sloppy. No partial or rushed reps. I had a physical job for 15 years so maybe my “endurance” for repetitive movement and physical “stress” is higher than most. But I wouldn’t do this volume at the weights I’m using if I was A: cheating on reps or B: risking injury by using shitty form