Total Body Strength Training in 30:00


New member
30:00 Total Body Burn: Strengthen and Sculpt with a 30-Minute Full-Body Workout

The way this works is On a running 30:00 clock perform each exercise/reps as written below. Your rest time is whatever time is left over in the minute after you have completed the reps for that minute for the next minute hits. For example Min :00-1:00 you are doing 6-8 Romanian deadlifts. If you finish those deadlifts in :30 then you have :30 rest before the next minute hits and from 1:00-2:00 you perform another set of 6-8 deadlifts, etc. starting the next set Every Minute on The Minute. Each exercise is 4 sets with 1:00 of rest/transition.

This is strength/power focus so choose a heavier weight.

Min :00-4:00 Every Minute on the Minute: 6-8 Romanian Deadlifts.

Min 4:00-5:00-rest/transition to next exercise

Min 5:00-9:00 EMOM: 5-8 Strict Pull-ups (whatever your max is of pull-ups or jumping pull-ups).

Min 9:00-10:00Rest/transition to next exercise

Min 10:00-14:00 EMOM: 6 Deadstop KBS

Min 14:00-15:00Rest/Transition

Min 15:00-19:00 EMOM: 3 Heavy Power Cleans (75-85% 1rm. You can do single reps).

Min 19:00-20:00 Rest/Transition

Min 20:00-24:00EMOM: :30 Weighted Plank Holds.

Min 24:00-25:00 Rest/Transition

Min 25:00-29:00 6-8 BB Pendlay Rows.

You can see a demo of all these exercises and more detailed instructions on how to do this in this video: 30:00 Full Body Strength Training Workout

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