Trying to escape back squats


New member
I am switching up lifts to keep me motivated. The back squat has been my white whale. I chase after it and it ends in disappointment over and over.
I am thinking of giving front squat the same shot. I know it falls short of hamstring and posterior chain development- Romanian deadlifts don’t.

Here is what I am thinking.

A day = Front squat.

Horizontal push (incline bench).

Horizontal pull (Yates row).

Farmer walk/ carrying. (Unilateral stability)

B day = Romanian deadlift.

Vertical push (standing strict overhead press)

Vertical pull (pull up)

Abs (leg raises/ rotation or anti rotation)

Days = A. B. Off. A. B. Off. Off.

Progression= double progression method. 3 sets 5-8 reps. Starting day 1. Reps 5, 5, 5. Day 2 reps 6 5 5. Day 3 reps 6 6 5. Hope you get the idea. After 8 reps on all sets add weight.

Thoughts? Constructive criticism?

Education update: it sounds like I should stop running from the white whale and pick up the harpoon. In other words I should back squat.

I am considering upper lower split for more assistance and time to work out kinks. Looking into Dan John / Platz/ squat university/ candito. I need to film myself to get a better perspective on what it is I can improve upon.
@hecallsmehisown Is there a certain portion of your squat thats not working? Are you trying to progress in weight in your back squat or are you just looking for greater quad development
@pkaumba I am back squatting to gain overall leg size and strength using equipment most available to me. The back squat is sold to me as the king of lower body.

I have tried numerous routines. Starting strength was the most weight I put on the bar. I also got fat, thanks milk. I got sick and ended up in the hospital because I had already zonked my recovery. It is a little more complicated.

I started back slowly and steadily. I started high bar squats. I tend to end up in injury. I start low. I have used waving percentages and focus heavily on form. I can easily work up to body weight bench, build weighted chins easy, deadlifts once a week with steady gains. Ohp no problem.

When I squat I barely get body weight (165lbs). I dread the movement. Aesthetically I feel like I have seen mild improvement. I have done goblet, double kettlebells front squats and lunges in the past and feel like I have seen more quad development. Maybe my rep ranges favored hypertrophy more and maybe learning low bar first may have taught my body more posterior engagement in back squat?
@hecallsmehisown I hate Rippetoe's squat method. I'm sure it's great for some people but after struggling with squats I'm a similar way to you for years I finally decided you have to find the squat that works for you. Limb to torsoe ratio, ankle mobility, foot width, knee direction, toe direction, bar placement, lead hinge movement are all variables that you should tweak until it feels right. There's not a one size fits all. Dan John and Tom Platz are the two that have helped me the most, but again that doesn't mean they will help you the most. But if you're not liking how Rippetoe says to squat you might give them a listen. Especially Platz with his quadcentric technique.
@hecallsmehisown Start here for squat form and figure out where your weaknesses are, then check out his videos on ankle mobility, hip mobility, etc.

If youre struggling at the bottom of the squat there are ways to fix that. If you’re struggling on the ascent there are ways to fix that as well. Proper form, recovery, and nutrition will bring gains and not injuries 👍🏻

As far as rep ranges go, 4-6 reps generally gives you the most strength/growth gains at the same time but does not emphasize either one. 8-12 will generate the most growth.
@hecallsmehisown I personally have been starting leg day with hamstrings leaving squats for last. I kill my legs that when I get to the squat rack 10 135lb squats on the Smith has me shaking. But am getting older and I can't afford an injury. I use to love squats and deadlifts but my pr day are done. I find it works better for me to tear it all up smarter then heavier. And I devide body part up to get everything nicely
@hecallsmehisown I think a lot of people gave some really good advice, but looking at your comments; first, you definitely should not be maxing out every week. That'll lead to muscle fatigue and injury. Second, if you want to grow muscle volume and endurance, you'll need to start on hypertrophy (less weight, more reps)

Also, if you don't like squatting, you'll probably hate front-squatting more given that your putting more weight in front of you and it's an all around uncomfortable position imo. I'd recommend leg presses. A lot of people who can't squat for whatever reason tend to replace them for leg presses.
@askmeanything99 I plan to work up to this. I really have been on a more power lifting routine. And I have no competition aspirations for power lifting. Aesthetics are a powerful motivator to keep me healthy though - thusly new approach and new lifts.

I have little experience with front squats, Rdls, and Incline bench. I thought these may be prime stuff for a natural aesthetic look. I also work out in garage frequently. Tossing in curls lat raises skull crushers - sure. I planned on building the car frame before putting on new fenders and a cool wing.
@hecallsmehisown I haven't done squats in a few years. Mostly do very heavy bands and occasionally machines. I was a dancer for a while and one day some of the clientele were complimenting my physique. I said oh what part do you like best. Their answer? Legs. Squats hurt my knees I'm never doing them again lol
@hecallsmehisown Presumably the goal is maximum muscle growth for your quads and not get the biggest front squat 1rm of all time.

I see no reason why you could not hack squat or leg press if you don’t like back squats. You’ll get as much or more quad stimulus as front squats, and the choice between zero axial loading with the leg press and less axial loading with the hack.

In either case it’s the same or better stimuli for less fatigue.
@markbowles00 Any chance you got these in higher quality? Can be read but my eyes are bleeding now :D thanks in any case!

Edit: it was only bad from my phone, opened on PC and it's actually solid quality.