u/l/u/l advice


New member
I've been working out seriously for about 3 years now and this is the first time im gonna make my own split and would like some feedback on it. My ideal body build would be like david laid (i'm aware he isnt natural) or kinobody (greg o' gallagher) ofc i am fully aware my genetics are not on there level but in terms of the areas i would want to focus my muscle on for the v taper look with decent sized legs.

Upper 1 (Monday)

Incline chest (reverse pyramid) 3 sets

Weighted Chin ups (reverse pyramid) 3 sets

Cable Rows (standard pyramid) 4 sets

Overhead triceps (standard pyramid) 4 sets

Lateral Raises (rest pause) 1 failure set with 3 mini sets

Knee Raises 3 x 8-12

Lower 1(Tuesday)

Hack Squat (Standard pyramid (3) with double drop set)

Single leg press 3 x 12-15

Romanian Deadlift 4 x 8-10

Standing calve raises 3 x 10-12

Front lever holds 3 x 10-30 secs

Upper 2 (Thursday)

Shoulder press (reverse pyramid) 3 sets

Weighted Pull Ups (reverse pyramid) 3 sets

Machine Chest fly 3 x 12-15

Cable rows (standard pyramid) 4 sets

Incline Hammer curls (standard pyramid) 4 sets

Read Delt Fly (rest pause) 1 failure set with 3 mini sets

Lower 2 (Friday)

Sumo Deadlift 5 x 6 (increase weight each set)

Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 6-8 (increase weight each set)

Leg Curls (standard pyramid) 4 sets

Seated Calve raises 3 x 10-12

Single leaning Arm Shrugs 4 x 10-12 (Increase weight each set)

Side to Side Knee ups 3 x 8-12

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