Unbearable flatulence for almost 3 months now

@chikkugtavc Did you do a loading phase of creatine?
That can definitely turn your guts a bit.
5g (around a teaspoon) is enough, just builds up over time.

Also whey can effect you if you are a bit lactose intolerant.

I'd carry on doing what you are already doing and removing things from your diet as a process of elimination.

Raw oats might be an issue if you haven't cooked them.

Also, having that all late on (assuming you go to bed not long after) probably won't help.
@mayacruz1708 No loading phase for the creatine, just started on the recommended daily dosage of 5g’s. I’m starting to think it’s the oats considering that’s one thing I haven’t stopped eating everyday for breakfast. Going to cut out the raw oats from my shake and take a break from the breakfast oatmeal to see how I feel after a week. Thanks for your input!
@frances20 You still have the whey in protein powders. I find that gives me terrible wind, more than milk itself. It's a shame most of the vegan powders take vile and are hideously expensive. I'll live with the wind!
@chikkugtavc You might be lactose intolerant. A doctor will make you keep a food journal for 6 weeks of everything you eat and if it made you really abnormally gassy or not. It might not be 100%. It may only be partially lactose intolerant. I.e., you can have two cups of milk a day and anymore hits the threshold where you start getting crazy gas all day. Or you can eat greek yogurt or stuff like regular yogurt and kefir or even cheese but you have way to much or more than a cup or two of milk and your gassy all day.

You should see a doctor. Its probably not the creatine or the shake.

You could also be having side effects as you get older from industrial chemicals making you gassy as well or undisclosed ingredients under natural and artificial flavorings or industrial chemicals that trigger lactose intolerance as a side effect. Real talk.
@chikkugtavc Sounds like you have lactose intolerant , try vegan protein and see how you feel, whey can cause issues even in people without lactose intolerance and if you do have some lactose intolerance then it's game over for you.
@chikkugtavc proteins create gas during digestion. Accept it, embrace the gas.

just kidding, I know it can be painful, there are remedies tho. most didn't work for me.

The only form of remedy that worked for me was an anti-constipation drug. The less time shit spends in my intestines the less time it has to ferment and create gas.

Eating too many vegetable and not enough fibers or not enough meat can cause soft n°2 and farts.

as everyone else says, it's hard to pinpoint the cause, a doctor might be more of help.
@chikkugtavc digestive enzymes along with meals and with 2 tablespoons of bragg's apple cider vinegar in 4 oz of water with lemon, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric will cure what ails ya

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