Veg*n Cycling Kit


New member
I'm in the market for new cycling kit for the upcoming road season and I wanted to get a jersey that advertises veganism/cruelty free lifestyle. There are a few options currently floating around, but I don't really like the designs of any of them. I was thinking of putting something together myself and I figured I would reach out to see if there was any interest here, maybe if some of you folks would want to get in on this, as well.

Let me know if you're interested and if there are any specific design features you're looking for. As of yet, I have no idea on price per, or lead times.

Edit: I've gotten enough interest that I am going to throw together a couple designs and post them here. I'll have to get firm numbers before I can offer everyone the price per. Thanks for the responses! Give me some time to put some things together and keep posted.
@smed I agree the older ones were pretty sharp. I'll try to whip up some preliminary designs and post them back here. A lot of these places don't require a minimum order, and the custom stuff doesn't appear to be much more expensive than new stuff off the shelf.