Vegan Strength Training Diet


New member
I went from vegan skinny, to strength training eating meat and TRT, then fish, now vegan and no TRT. Allergic to soy. The largest increase in weight lifted has been from hemp milk. Dorian Yates high intensity style strength training. Monitor the peanut consumption for excess grams of fat.

Through a process of trial and error, here's what works for me:

Boil or pressure cook soaked quinoa, einkorn berries, amaranth. Sliced apple, peanut and almond butter mixed in. Amaranth is a strong steroid and reduces belly fat in 24 hours.

Juice of grapefruit, lemons, beet, spinach greens mix, carrots, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, celery.

Protein powders peanut butter, pea, hemp. Peanut butter powder digests the easiest. 4 scoops peanut butter powder, 2 scoops pea protein powder, 1 scoop hemp protein powder.

Hemp milk. Omegas 3 6 9. Hemp hearts and some brazil nuts soaked 24 hours in cold water. Rinse hemp hearts with cold water. Place hemp hearts into Nama J2 and pour cold water as the juicer runs.

Peanuts and peanut butter. Bald for years, hair is growing back vertically and the sides of my head from peanuts.

Seitan/vital wheat gluten. 4 Field Roast sausages have 100 grams of protein.

Potato. Usually french fries.

5 grams creatine daily. Most creatine is vegan.

3-6 mg boron daily. Increases free testosterone and bone strength.

Glass bottle spring water with juice of 2-3 lemons.

Notes regarding amaranth:

"Beta-ecdysterone (also called 20-Hydroxyecdysone) is a type of phytoecdysteroid that is derived from insects and some plants like spinach and quinoa. Ecdysterone supplements are taken for their performance-enhancing effects."

"Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans",estrogen%20receptor%20(ER)%20binding%20binding).
@niveuscurrus Hair continues to grow back visibly vertically on the sides, I have not checked the back due to lack of a mirror.

Hair growth seems to be a welcome side effect of massive amounts of peanuts, and peanut butter protein powder per day.
@whatwouldhedo Glad you're back to being vegan but this post seems a bit all over the place and like you're buying into some fake shit.

If it helps you, it helps, but just be weary of dogmatic sub-diets and extreme restrictive eating. We see online vegan "influencers" fall out of this all the time
@whatwouldhedo Look, all I'm saying is- famous last words. Again, I'm glad it's working for you, but, I will repeat what I said and that more restrictive diets can often lead to "falling off".

Best of luck