Vent …. I feel hopeless

@stevensloan just like fat people have to track calories and stay within their budget to lose weight, thin people need to track and eat in surplus to gain weight. for some it’s hard to eat in deficit, for others to eat in surplus, so now u know. takes a lot of work depending on ur struggles but easily achieved through dedication and consistency.

also if u put on muscle mass, it could increase the appetite. if u have trouble getting in calories, look up bulking meals. oils, nuts and nut butters, fatty meats, carbs. there’re a lot of low volume high calorie foods which are also healthy
@inthepottershands Thanks, hun, I’m going to track my calories since I’ve been getting a lot of that advice! I wish I could muscle train, however, I just want to be a healthy weight that is made up of fat before I even think of hitting the gym.
@stevensloan I haven't been in your situation before, but I might suggest trying saucier meals?

I find that it's not very palatable for me to eat a ton of cheesy things like pizza, but I can house Japanese curry over rice. Pairing rich foods with pickled/acidic components can also help with palate fatigue, because sometimes all the fats at once can feel gross.
@stevensloan LOL my boyfriend is like this. he is super slim, blames in on high metabolism but he actually skips eating a lot and he has amazing control over his appetite/hunger. One way you can up your calories without "pigging out" is to add low volume, high fat foods into your diet. Coconut, Avocado, something as simple as a handful of nuts can put you into a calorie surplus.
@stevensloan As someone who has gained and lost weight, you can gain weight healthily by eating things that are high in nutrients but still high in calories so you don’t feel sick from eating too much. A thing that can be really good for that is nuts. You can eat a few servings throughout the day and it’s not heavy. The best high cal nuts are macadamia and pecans they are like 200-ish calories per serving.
Even more dense fruits like avocados can be good, have your food with a heavier dip/sauce, try cooking with healthy oils like olive oil because it won’t make you feel as sick as regular oil (tbh you can straight up have a spoon of it before a meal ik many people who did that, have calorie dense granola for breakfast, make smoothies (idk why they are usually advertised for weight loss they are super calorie dense lol. With enough fruits and dates u can easily make a smoothie that is 500 cal and take a few sips every while so its not too heavy)

Sorry if its a bit long but yeah this helped people ik who struggled with gaining weight so hopefully it helps u

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