I feel like my boss is taking advantage of me??

@actor4life20 5 hours a month? What’s that, 15 mins extra a day?

And he just gave you a pay rise and you already contribute nothing to your membership.

And it’s the only box in town?

I mean…am I missing something here?
@dawn16 Ok but the reality is that ‘cost’ in minimal, and OP has just been given a pay rise.

If the 5 hours thing is too much to swallow, then they could suggest the boss keeps the pay rise and let’s them continue to use the gym for free.

I’m not saying this is ideal, but I definitely don’t see the need for mass drama here.

OP suggests the gym is performing financially, but in reality they have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes.

Big fat mountain and mole hill here.
@john25 It’s a pay cut.

If they coach 20 classes a month for $17/class that is $340.

If they coach 20 classes a month for $20/class, but 5 of them are unpaid because they now count towards free membership, that is only $300.
@john25 If his pay rate is $20/hr and it’s “only” 15 minutes a day, that’s still $4 a day. Since it’s no big deal, I’ll send you my Venmo and you can put $4 a day in my account for the next couple of months.
@john25 It is unusual to force your staff to pay for their own membership. If there was another box close by I would make a point of telling the employer that I would not be doing the five classes a month to pay for the membership. I would then take my pay, and becoming a member at the other box.
@john25 Before this change, OP’s membership was free. They got a 3 dollar raise per class, but only after they work 5 classes, which would be 100 dollars. The membership cost for everyone else went up by 40.

If the owner gave them 20 per class and made them do 2 classes free to cover the increased cost of membership, I’d get it, but this is a huge pay cut.
@john25 There is no situation I’d pay any kind of fee to workout in a box I coach. I work in several different boxes and I workout where ever I happen to be without paying and this the common way to handle this.

I think this box owner sounds super cheap. If they are really running so thin financially they should just coach all classes themselves.
@actor4life20 So before you were being paid 17$ per class plus 110$ in membership.

Now you're being paid 20$ per class, 155 dollar membership, but asked to work an extra 5 hours per week.

Yes, by the maths your benefits package changed and it changed for the worse. This year my benefits premiums went up as well, and my take home salary dropped $30 every week.

It happens. Im not sure id go so far to say they're taking advantage. But like any job, the benefits can change, the conditions can change, the pay can change, and some bosses, benefits, and pay packages are better than others.
@actor4life20 He is using you. There's likely no "argument" you can bring to the table that will change his mind, but.... To be fair and to ensure you get the information without filter from someone else, have a direct and respectful conversation with him outlying your concerns. If he can't meet your concerns, walk.

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