Water consumption


New member
Gave up soda completely 3 years ago. I drink 1 liter water bottles and put a crystal light packet (for a 16.9oz bottle) to give some taste. Can’t drink 4 liters of plain water everyday. Wife says I’m not getting the proper amount of water and I disagree. I place this in the hands of the all knowing Reddit. Who is correct??
@womenprofession Water intake can include other liquids (save coffee and alcohol). 10000 steps, 8 glasses of water, all these things are guidelines trying to address the great mass of humanity in all our differentiations. You do you. My rules of thumb? If you are properly hydrating you'll rarely feel thirst, and your urine will be a very pale yellow.
@womenprofession Technically the rule of thumb is half your body weight in pounds in ounces of water a day. Going over that by about 15 or 20% will help you burn more calories.

But here's where it gets tricky. If you're like me and eat very little sodium, too much water is actually unhealthy and after Labs my doctor usually tells me I need to eat some salt.

But see I also eat very little sugar so I don't get that normal increase in blood sugar which also causes thirst a normal person might.

4 L is quite a bit. Everything everybody said about your pee being light yellow is correct.

I don't know this for a fact not being a woman but women are usually more prone to retain water therefore, they try to drink a lot.
@womenprofession I drink about 110-120 ounces of water per day per my doctor. It helps me feel better. More energy, less headaches and eye fatigue. I also have a cup or two of green tea a day as well as a cup or two of black coffee.
@womenprofession The "8 glasses a day" rule is a good starting point, but everyone's hydration needs are different. If you're feeling good and not experiencing any dehydration symptoms like thirst, dry mouth, or dark urine, you're probably doing just fine. Trust your body and keep sipping that water—Crystal Light and all! 💧