Weekly KB program


New member
Hi Kettlebell lovers. Holidays are finally over, so let's start training with kettlebells.

I have a pair of 16kg KBs, a pair of 20kg KBs, and a pair of 24kg KBs. I want to be consistent in my workouts, so I keep my plan here. And maybe some of you will find it useful or give some feedback on my programming. I'm aiming for at least 4 days of training per week. BTW my workouts are like CrossFit style. All workouts started with a warm-up and finished with cool-down movements.
  1. Wednesday (legs and shoulders focused):
    1. AMRAP 10 mins:
      1. KB24 swings - 15 reps
      2. Leg raises on pull-up bar - 10 reps
    2. EMOM 16 mins:
      1. 2xKB20 thrusters - 10 reps
      2. KB20 jerks left arm - 15 reps
      3. KB20 jerks right arm - 15 reps
      4. Burpees - 10 reps
    3. For time 5 rds:
      1. 2xKB16 snatches - 10 reps
      2. KB24 goblet squats - 10 reps
    4. For time 100 reps:
      1. KB16 one arm thrusters. Can change hands. The goal is to finish as fast as you can.
  2. Friday (chest and back focused):
    1. AMRAP 10 mins:
      1. KB24 swings - 15 reps
      2. ABS roller from knee - 10 reps
    2. For time 7 rds:
      1. Push-ups - 15 reps
      2. 2xKB24 pulls - 10 reps
    3. AMRAP 20 mins:
      1. 2xKB20 burpees - 5 reps
      2. Pull-ups - 10 reps
  3. Saturday (conditioning):
    1. AMRAP 10 mins:
      1. KB24 swings - 15 reps
      2. KB20 v-ups - 10 reps
    2. KB16 ladder. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 jerks and snatches for each hand followed by goblet squats. Aim to do unbroken and under 10 mins
    3. For time:
      1. KB20 snatches - 100 reps
      2. KB20 jerks - 200 reps
      3. KB20 swings - 300 reps