What’s a strong press?

@professor Just one rep. That doesn't mean it's your 1RM necessarily. But it is the kettlebell certifying bodies strength standard for men. If you can press half your bodyweight in a single-arm for one rep (only one side required), then you are strong. For women its one-third bodyweight.
@professor Can you press the biggest kettlebell in the gym?

70lbs, and even working up to 100lbs seems pretty manageable just coming from barbell training. What would be more impressive to me is using that kind of weight for more technical stuff like snatches, bent presses, windmills, and turkish get ups.
@golden1 I actually quit the gym to cause I was too caught up in „aesthetics“ and currently I really enjoy to solely focus on rings , dumbbells and kettlebells and whenever I can I work out outside barefooted and it’s giving me so much more joy than the gym over all my years as a trainer

Currently I own 2 x 16Kg dragon door bells and 1 x 24Kg dragon door but this likely won’t be my last one 😅
@professor can confirm; it will not be your last bell if you’re into it enough that you’re posting on here.

Good news is that while individual bells get relatively expensive as you move up weight they’re one-time expenses (these things just don’t break) and the cost savings from a gym or any other form of weights is absolutely wild.
@vigilant Appreciate the input man!

I had 3 competition bells about 3 years ago but I sold them when my son was born and now I must say I really like the goat and the general feel and look of the dragon doors I just got and I see myself sticking with those
@professor Anything 80kg(doubles) plus is decent depending on bodyweight. Real elite though would have to be 96kg for reps if we’re talking double bells. I would argue an Olympic weightlifter would scoff at that in terms of overall strength.
@monstershouter My exposure to weightlifting is not there outside of what I see online. So that definitely surprises me with the crazy overhead stuff and front squats I see online.