What’s wrong with my diet? Doing about 6 to 8 Wods per week, losing power and motivation! (Sleep 7 to 8 hours daily)

@janeenjoy He can get rid of the C4, too. It's just a bunch of bullshit. Just drink coffee. Likely better for you in the long run. I remember when I fell for the "Nitric Oxide" bullshit supps.
@lobocairn Am I reading this right? You've been training/working out for 5 weeks or this specific meal plan?

Regardless after one week of perceived "loss of strength" you might not want to freak out. Maybe it was just a bad week... The longer you do this you'll be ecstatic for a 5lb PR after an 8 week strength cycle.
@lobocairn Get rid of the supps, eat real food- and more of it (zone diet is pretty simple) and take a week off training...you're probably over training the shit out of yourself
@lobocairn Looks very protein heavy. I'd say you're getting 50%+ protein and the other 50% are carbs and fat (just a guess could be more on the protein). Like others have said, add some more carbs. You're getting almost no carbs in the morning. I'd recommend adding some oatmeal. Also by the time you hit the gym (which I'm assuming is after work/evening) the veggies, rice, and beans you ate midday are pretty much all gone. So you're hitting the gym with a table spoon of peanut butter to get you through. You'll blow through that in the warm up. Add a more carb heavy snack along with the pb and you'll have more energy to push through the metcon. Also, on a side note, no amount of C4 will get you through a workout if you don't have the nutrients your body needs. I've been there. Food is the best source for energy.
@lobocairn You are producing some expensive wee.
I'm not a dietician but the first thing I noticed is that you are all protein. More carbohydrates are needed. There are plenty of free calculators online that could help you with your macro calculations. Why are you using diabetic peanut butter (which I assume has no added sugar)? Why not buy organic or natural PB?
@lobocairn You actually can cut down on your protein some and be fine, but you need to up your carbs a lot.

I'm old school and find it easiest to think of everything as zone, where you count macros only (in case you're wondering, in zone, 9 grams of carbs makes a block. You wouldn't count incidental carbs in peanut butter because it's considered a fat, but you would count an orange, veggies, rice, beans, etc.). I just like it because once I got used to it I could just count food as blocks and tabulate what I'm eating really quickly without having to track my calories and plug everything into myfitnesspal. I now think in blocks, so bear with me going forward. Let's guess that because you work out a lot and you probably are a normal height and don't have an overly high body fact % you need a minimum of 20 carb blocks per day. That's actually a conservative estimate and less than what I'm plugging into the block calculator for your activity level, but let's go there.
  • 6am is a shitton of protein and some fat and less than one block of carbs. Bad!
  • 9am looks like about 4 blocks of carbs. Okay.
  • Midday looks like about 6 blocks of carbs. Okay.
  • Before gym is less than one carb block! Bad!
  • After gym is 1 carb block. In your window of gainz! Bad!
  • 8pm is less than one carb block. Bad!
So you've hit 11 blocks (99 grams-ish - macros only) over the course of your day. Maybe you got an extra gram of carbs here or there, but it's pretty negligible. You pretty much need to double that. Also, 250 grams of protein midday? Am I reading that right? If it's right, you're consuming SO much more protein than your body even knows what to do with.

Tl;dr: Eat real food, tone it down a little on the protein, double your carbs. you'll be fine.
@dawn16 Appreciate the comments! I've already added carbs morning (1 cup of oatmeal, before gym, a cup of sweet potato and will go back to 2 (or maybe 4) oatmeal pancakes at night.

That 250 grs its the full weight of whatever protein im having (so it might not be more than 40 to 50 grams)

Thanks again!
@lobocairn Add a big sweet potato into the mix for dinner. You'll feel like a rock star.

Also, is your goal to lose body fat, or to increase athletic performance? Those goals work against each other. You can do both, but not at the same time - you'll have to periodize. Pursue them one at a time. You eat less for the first, more for the second.

If you're trying to lose weight, you will gas out easier, and strength gains will stall out, until you hit your goal weight. Just how it is.
@lobocairn Before I can help you, a couple of questions:
1. What are your physical goals? Are you trying to maintain weight, gain weight, lose weight? Change body composition? Fuel athleticism?
2. How did you come up with your current diet? What do you think your current macro/calorie breakdown should be? Is that really 250grams of protein midday?
3. Where did you come up with that exhaustive list of supplements in your diet and why are you taking each of them?
4. What is your weight and body fat?
5. What are you doing for programming? Are all your workouts at max intensity? What do you do for active recovery and rest?
@dreamer6424 Thanks Sir! Here you go!
1.- building muscle (so that confirms the lack of carbs)
2.-Gain weight (lost muscle and a ton of fat during last weeks)
3.- Body inclines to Mesomorph
4.- I try to keep myself up, 6 Wods and 2 powerlifting workouts during the week, and from time to time 1000 DU in the morning (thats just to improve on them)
5.- Current diet is a mix of old ones, it actually started pretty well until last week i started to feel weak.
6.- I felt way much better when i had carbs (that was 1 oatmeal cup am, 1 cup white rice lunch time, and 2 oatmeal panckakes at night, and was hitting somewhere aroung 3500 to 4000 cals per day, I went back on just adding the carbs and today, i want to fucking eat the world LOL
7.- No, thats the full weight (not only 250grs pure protein)
8.- Some of the sups i used to take in old diets, just added thinks that can stack and help me out with the training, NO2 black it's good with blood pumps, but not sure is working, I'm already finish the bottle, so that's out.
9.- I'm 160 pounds, need to check on my body fat
(Programming) I'm following wods (5 to 6 per week) and strenght (2 Max per week) workouts
I try to put as much weight as i can to barely finish a wod.

At the end i usually go home, have some protein, take a shower and sleep between 7 to 8 hours. What you think? Thanks for the time!