What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

I’ve got a love/hate relationship with L sits. I love being able to do them, but I find the dedicated training for them psychologically traumatic. Lol.

I’ve had periods where I worked consistently building up my numbers with dedicated sets, but now I just try one every other day, and that’s enough for me. I’m happy that I can do them, but I’m not too bothered about my numbers going up and up any more.

That said, I’m at a solid ~23 seconds and the number seems to be slowly creeping up anyway. So go figure. 30 seconds beckons.

Those of you who’ve got to that level, where did you go next? I’m talking Hands on the floor here, not rings or Parallettes. Did you just keep adding time or find ways to add difficulty etc?
@reallylongnickname I can hold it 30-35 sec, I dont remember but I think that I hated tuck Lsit progression so I just did bunch of V-ups and Hollow body holds and after some time I got Lsit on paralletes with legs bit lower and gradually I started raising legs higher to hit that Lsit position and was doing it 3xa week and in 2-3 months I went from 3x8 sec to 5x15 sec , now I reduced to 2x20 seconds because I am doing lot of compression since I started working towards Vsit . I think I was resting around 30-90 seconds but now I prefer 90sec rest between

Hope it helps a bit 😉
@reallylongnickname Oh , sorry, didnt get what you want on first.

Compression work also known as seated leg lifts , muscles involved are your abs obliques , slightly quads ( your not gonna grow any quads from that but they are slightly involve and will cramp a bit) , last but not least are your hips flexor which will be strengthen with this exercise.
@reallylongnickname I can manage a minute L sit at this point on paralletes, most people slowly progress towards a Planche once they've hit 30 seconds to a min because of the core strength you gain from doing this exercise. you could also try a V sit which is much more intense
@musicismath I started toward Vsit before 10 days and now I can raise legs like 15 cm higher for 1,2 seconds so looks like compression work is paying off quickly , I hope till this summer I can get Vsit and till this christmas to get a nice clean hold
@reallylongnickname I wish i could do them on the floor though, but since my arms are too short, I need some elevation. I currently use my fingers to elevate myself. Gotta get those chunky arm tendons. Lol
@ibken Ah I wish I could do them on my fingers. Haha. I had heard that the short arms thing was maybe a bit of a myth though? And that it’s just a matter of building the scapular depression strength until you can do with palms flat? Not saying you don’t know yourself, of course, just something I read.
@reallylongnickname 30 sec L sit on floor is a good hold. It also helps you in skill transferability. As we all know in every field of sport , there is always room for improvement. So you can invest your time and effort for a longer hold.
Try using ankle weight. Switch legs after maximum lsit hold. Have patience.
@reallylongnickname I used to do 3-5 "sets" of 1 min. I'm now down to 20 secs after a couple yes of not working out 😩 but I felt 1 min was good enough for that particular exercise. I think beyond that would be something like toes to bar work up to 5x10.

Edit for hands on the floor i saw some other responses and yeah vsit is the next step but I never did that