What’s your diet look like?

@jermoh I have a lot of protein. I'm on the heavier side so my protein intake every day is 150 g. On heavier exercise days, it's a bit more. I don't worry about the other macros too much.

I also try to eat a relatively balanced diet of lean proteins, healthy fats, good carbs and very occasionally sweets. You do need to treat yourself.

Protein supplements are good, but lean proteins are better.
@kaferty I was taking whey protein for about a week or more while also trying to eat sardines, oysters, tuna, eggs, bacon etc. but I’m 180lb and I was told to ingest around 180g of protein daily to build muscle. Which was hard to ingest that much for me.

I have backed off of it for now, due to things going on in life I have stopped for the last 6-7 days.
@jermoh I use the prospre app for diet planning, which has been the only thing I’ve ever been able to mostly stick to.

I’m also pretty busy all the time, so I only usually do two meals a day, which isn’t ideal but it works for me at this time.

All within macros:
  • Breakfast/Morning: 2-5 servings of fruit, 2-3 eggs/egg whites, usually toast or oatmeal for preworkout carb-load, sometimes Greek yogurt, sometimes turkey bacon or ham, coffee w/milk, preworkout, and 2 scoops of protein powder postworkout.
  • Dinner/Evening: I get lazy here. Throw all the daily vegetable requirements, lean carbs (rice/quinoa/beans), and lean meats (fish, chicken) into the instant pot and mix with whatever seasonings I’m in the mood for and chow down.
Here and there I’ll also treat myself to either a baked pork chop or grilled sirloin if it fits in the macros.

Average total: ~ 1900 calories (190g carbs, 190g protein, 40g fat)

Goals: somewhere between weight-loss and maintenance, but for now I’m still sticking to strength-based workouts, which probably puts me in a deficiency. Again, this probably isn’t ideal for pure efficiency, but I’m happy with how easy it’s been to stick to while I deal with other things in my life right now.
@jermoh 5’11” 34m 170 ish

Currently trying to shed like 10lbs

Calorie.ai suggests that my TDE should be right around 2,000 calories. I am usually in the 1500 days. Sometimes I find it hard to eat enough good stuff to get there. Sometimes I have sweets.

Breakfast: coffee with 1tbsp of creamer

Lunch: cup of minute rice with tuna packet

Snacks: granola bar, Greek yogurt, peanuts, crackers sometimes

Dinner: usually something involving a chicken breast, rice and vegetables.

I have protein shakes when I do strength workouts but on days when I do cardio I generally don’t. Usually 3 day split upper body, lower body, core for an hour each and 3 days of 30-45 minutes intense biking (Peloton).

Im just winging it.
@jermoh I have a coffee with equal and a splash of milk in the morning and don’t eat til dinner when I have a salad made with one shredded carrot, chopped spinach, half an avocado, 200g of baked chicken breast or tuna, 0.5cup of cooked freekeh and a dressing made from Greek yogurt, ACV, salt pepper and Dijon. Then I have a quest protein bar and 3 eggs or some beef jerky or some roast chicken slices before bed. Usually something else as well, maybe another protein bar. And I was between 1-2 hours every day. I haven’t lost much weight for some reason
@jermoh Pretty much everything healthy accompanies meat bread cheese plus caffeine and home baked cookies or cake but I tell myself I’m on a Mediterranean diet.
@jermoh Background: I'm 230lb female with the goal of gaining muscle, losing body fat and overall being healthier than I currently am. I workout 5-6 days a week in a 45 min per day group fitness class. My meal plan has been given to me by my trainer

Breakfast: 1.5 cup egg whites, avacado, .5 cup brown rice

Lunch: 4-6oz of a protein (chicken, salmon, ground turkey, lean ground beef etc), .5 of brown rice

Dinner: 4-6oz of a protein, sweet potato, usually I add some veggies of some sort in here

My snacks typically change but I cycle through the following: protein balls, hummus and veggies, plain greek yogurt w/protein powder mixed in. And I always have a Protein shake after I workout

I do add fruit and veggies into my meala/snacks too I just don't have a set amount I eat per day. I usually end up around 2000 calories but with a 45% protein, 20% fat, 35% carb macro split
@jermoh Oh ive got a membership i missed 2 days last week only did 4 workouts and missed today as well lol but theres 6 more days in the week so ill get to the gym tomorrow.
@jermoh 2 scoops of ON protein with a banana and blueberries blended. Brunch, 2 scoops ON and a Greek yogurt, Lunch 2 scoops ON and maybe a Greek yogurt, 3;00 ish 2 Scoops ON and dinner whatever my wife cooks (or she’ll kill me).
@jermoh What did I eat today..
In no specific order

Cup of oats
Cup of egg whites
4 slice bread with 4 eggs
2 apples
2 mandarin oranges
Protein shake with almond milk
120g salmon
1 cup white rice
Bunch of spinach
350g coconut Greek yogurt covered in frozen mangos
3 cups V8 juice
100g dried apricots
50g raw almonds
@jermoh eating around maintenance, tracking calories and macros.

i plan my day in advance and first add in all the protein for my meals (goal is 120g total which will be just about 1g per 1 pound for me), then i add carbs to accompany those proteins (veggies, bread, noodles).

eating same things every day (chicken breast + veg + carb, veggie soup, yogurt + fruit, egg on toast, sugar free jello, couple of coffees - my staples) so usually i just copy and paste from one day to another. whatever is left i fill with snacks which can be whatever i want pretty much - i try to not restrict right now and just enjoy food even if it goes over maintenance

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