What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

@austinsugden Stair master, moderate intensity steady state for 30 minutes with a 5 minute cool down. The speed I could go after two years of doing it 6 days a week was pretty good.
@austinsugden im 5'6 currently at 198lbs came down from 243lbs since Jan this year and started going to the gym on Feb.. I was constantly eating 1790calories a day and going hard on the gym, i did felt like i kinda lost muscle or my muscles isnt growing biv fast enough, well its a maintenance/fatloss diet with a target of 165lbs, it was only around April that i started seeing myself getting bugger to be honest, i felt and looked skinny the first 3 months.. maybe its the result of giving into cravings and eatng a lot(with some junk) at the end of my third month.. but one things for certain for me, i only gained 2/3 of my strength back(on deficit) compared to when I was workingout 10years ago on a surplus(2500-4000cal)..
@austinsugden My experience I was constantly hungry but it worked. It was annoying the first like 10 days but then I slowly got used to it. Yeah, I had to have some sort of emergency honey around just for like a spoon here and there.
@austinsugden In a long extended bulk when fat Starts to pile up i do a 1000kcal deficit for 1 month, if you keep training hard en progressing muscle loss isn't an issue, dince there is adequate fat and the time frame is short it wont hamper your progress in lifts, there's plenty of energy stored in the body.
If ur 16 percent you need to get into a small calorie deficit and hold a maintenance around 10 to 12 percent before you think about going in a diet like that
@austinsugden The bible for this is Lyle MacDonald's Rapid Fat Loss or Ultimate Diet 2.0 or Martin Berkhan's Leangains protocol. Essentially, you can do this very effectively, but you have to learn how to do carb-ups/refeeds well. If you learn the science about Leptin/Ghrelin/T3/SHBG and so on, you can do this. If you don't know how to do 24-36h refeeds and carb loads, your metabolism will crater, workouts will suffer, and you will feel like shit and be at risk for muscle loss.
@austinsugden Currently cutting at around 1700 cals first week in and i can already feel it. 2 meter tall iam around 30 % fat now, wannt to cut to 15 at least before some bulk and iam fine with feeling like shit i want to pop muscles for the summer.