What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

@hungry_hungry_hippo For so long, I loved a 5am workout. It was perfect for my schedule. Post pandemic, I love working out around 4pm (after work) so I have time to distress and navigate work life to personal life. Ideally on weekends, 8-9. Weekdays anything in the afternoon.
@hungry_hungry_hippo The earliest I can manage (effectively) is 10 am. I get up at 5 am daily to walk but that's fucking it. I do long runs, strength training, HIIT, etc...anything actually strenuous in the afternoon or evening.

My body clock just does not work like a morning person's. I've gotten up early and started my days at 5 for years now and it just hasn't adapted fully. But at night? I'm a complete live wire. The only downside is that if I wait too late (past 8 pm or so) I'm too hyped up to sleep :/ on weekends when I can do the occasiona night running it's the best though.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I use the Peloton app (with an echelon bike and a solef80 treadmill, as they don't ship to me) and I am part of the hardcore on the floor facebook group that stacks strength classes everyday. I do these 40ish mins of classes at 530 am (after a coffee) and then a run or bike after work.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I like working out in the evenings! It's a great way for me to unwind and relieve some work stress, so I usually aim to start an hour long workout between 5:30-7pm. (And then switch to morning runs in the summer!)

Weekends are far more flexible depending on my plans, especially since I often end up doing double workouts when the weather is nice. Hiking or skiing in the morning (start 9-10am), a run in the afternoon/evening :)
@hungry_hungry_hippo I'm an evening/night type of person. Never earlier than 7pm, usually around 8-9 and a handful of times past 10. During the day I'm running around with classes and schoolwork so I prefer to workout when all of that is done
@hungry_hungry_hippo I like working out from 7-8 pm, or even later like 9-11 pm. That's when I feel most awake and energetic, and it just happens to be a good time of day for me to workout (I like group fitness classes, which tend to be in the evenings). 10-11 am would be my next preference.

I am definitely not a morning person, so all of the people who like getting up early to workout fascinate me!
@hungry_hungry_hippo Definitely a morning person, although I have certain types of exercises i prefer at different times of the day.

Most days I'm up at 5:45-6am for a 20-30 minute run followed by a 20 minute weights session of some sort.

I like to wrap my day (when I can) with a 20-40 minute pilates workout between 5-6pm. Although sometimes I replace this with a HIIT workout if I'm feeling a lil bleh and want a real hard sweat.

On the weekends I do longer runs in the morning (more around 7-8am), also followed by a 20 minute weight session, and a 40 minute pilates session around 3-4pm before making dinner.

Just before lunch would be an awful time for me to workout (cause I'd be sooo hungry) and because I'm a morning person post dinner = sloth time.
@hungry_hungry_hippo In terms of my actual best time for working out, it seems to be earlier in the morning, between 6 and 7. If my body aligned with when my gym was the quietest (my dream) it would either be 10 AM or 2:30 PM. That would be my actual best time. If only.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I’m unemployed kind of by choice but I have projects regardless, so basically aim to run my days like a regular 9-5 day.

For strength training type exercises - morning first thing before breakfast, ideally between 7-7:30 am.

But for my runs, my sweet spot is 5-6pm. I’ve tried the mornings, even with a snack before, just too hangry and my stress/anxiety levels stay through the roof the entire day as opposed the afternoon run helps me wind down from the day. I always have an afternoon snack at around 4 so starting at 5 pm is a good time.

I alternate between strength and run days with strength starting the week on Mondays until Saturday. I usually do an active recovery day for Sunday or take a day off during the week if I feel like I had an too intense day.
@hungry_hungry_hippo 6am. I have the most self discipline in the mornings so I do any workout that I find effortful then.

I struggle to wind down in the evenings after working out. If I work out in the morning I sleep like a baby.
@hungry_hungry_hippo Ideally around midnight though that doesn't always work with stupid office job hours. I usually workout around 5-6pm instead, or sometime during the day when work's slow since my gym is in my house.
@hungry_hungry_hippo My workout time has nothing to do with optimizing my body and everything to do with my schedule and shower time. I get home from school/work, have a protein shake, workout, eat dinner, and then shower. Usually means I'm working at 6-7:30 which is the busiest time at the gym on a weekday but it is what it is.
@hungry_hungry_hippo During the week, 4:45 - 6:15 am.

On the weekend, probably 7-9 am (sometimes earlier if we have morning plans).

If I don't do it first thing in the morning, I'll make excuses and just not do it. I have anxiety and working out right away in the morning helps me get into a good headspace for the day.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I'm stronger in the afternoon (I think most people are?) but I agree OP ideal time is a couple hours after waking up and having something to eat. As it is I work out at 5am about 15 minutes after rolling out of bed because I work at 7.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I get sooo sleepy after a work out so I prefer doing it around 7pm so I can shower, eat, watch something/read amd flop into bed. But I have a toddler so that doesn't work anymore so when ever my best chance for a workout is during the day is when I exercise. Trying to get into morning exercise but I just can't seem to do a decent workout until I've drunk at least 1.5L. Anyone got tips on that?