what are some easy, healthy ways to get more calories in?


New member
im tryna get to 2400 cals. I wanna hit 180 g protein.

That leaves me with 2400 - (4*180) cals left to somehow get. Eating a shit ton of rice is tough, and i dont wanna eat sugary things cuz that will j lead to more fat
@grapheme Sugary things won't lead to any more fat than non sugary things. Assuming calories are equal in both cases. Would it be the healthiest thing to do to get a tonne of carbs from sugar? Probably not. It would still work though if weight gain is the goal. I'd recommend calorie dense foods like nut butters, eggs, bagels, dried fruit like raisins etc.
@wordnord can you link a study that confirms this? i wish that were true, i wish i could just eat ice cream to fill my calories but i dont think added sugar in ice cream will lead to same composition of gains as brown rice would. Even if calorie surplus is slight.

A 200 calorie surplus with extra cals coming from complex carbs vs 200 calorie surplus coming from added sugar in soda and ice cream will lead to diff amounts of fat gain on a bulk pretty sure. If this isnt true plz link a study,
@grapheme Those complex carbs will be broken down to simple carbs anyway the only difference will be the rate they are absorbed and depending on what your eating the ratio of different sugars (most likely glucose and fructose). I can't seem to find any evidence to support the claim that simple sugars or high GI foods cause lipodystrophy, there's some debate around fructose but I'm pretty sure there's a study out there somewhere that puts saturated fat way above fructose for liver fat deposition. Anyway I eat so many potato's and they have such a high GI too so you'd assume to see the same affect to some extent but I don't really thing you do and such a small surplus I doubt you'd see any adverse effects before it's time to cut.
@grapheme Dude. You are flat out wrong. You are the one who needs to post a study proving your crazy assumption, bc ever study in existence in the history of nutrition science proves a calorie is a calorie. The reason people become fat on ice cream is because they don’t eat the same amount of calories. Ice cream is not satiating so people eat excess calories and become fat. But take someone and put them on equivalent protein and calories and whatever comprises the non protein component won’t make a difference to body composition.

Keep in mind this does not mean it is healthy to fill your other cals purely with sugar and oil. Micronutrients matter for other body functions outside of body composition. It just won’t matter for body composition.

Always funny when someone states “X batshit theory is true” and it is only wrong when someone posts a study refuting X batshit theory. You are the one trying to refute a century of scientific evidence. Not us. You find something that proves your crazy theory right.
So levels of insulin in blood after a fast absorbing carbs versus a slow absorbing carbs have no consequences?
To body composition metrics? Not really no. Makes no discernible (statistically significant) difference. Look at ANY study on calorie controlled macro splits while dieting or food timing and you will see it just doesn’t matter to body composition.

It does however, matter to other relevant health markers (pro inflammatory cytokines and circulating levels of leukocytes, immune cells).
@dawn16 So this harvard article on high glycemic foods is batshit crazy? https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/carbohydrates-and-blood-sugar/. Eating many high-glycemic-index foods – which cause powerful spikes in blood sugar – can lead to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, (2) heart disease, (3), (4) and overweight, (5,6) (7). There is also preliminary work linking high-glycemic diets to age-related macular degeneration, (8) ovulatory infertility, (9) and colorectal cancer. (10)
@tomw2016 As I stated before, eating high glycemic foods is NOT optimal for health but will not contribute to extra weight gain when, and let me be really fucking clear here; protein and calories are EQUATED. Again as I said it isn’t healthy but it won’t effect body composition. The article isn’t wrong. It is just pointing out the obvious:

People who eat a fuck ton of high glycemic index foods EAT MORE CALORIES because those foods aren’t satiating. Studies of dieters eating high glycemic foods show low ADHERENCE to a caloric deficit. They are getting fat from eating more calories. Go eat a candy bar. You won’t be full, so you’ll end up eating more. You’ll become a fat fuck from eating more calories. These studies do NOT equate calories. Read the studies.

So yes, if you eat more calories you get fatter. Shocker.
@dawn16 I agree with you. But one thing that should be considered when someone requests help in increasing calories is that that person like anyone else has natural tendencies to eat more when the high GI foods bring insulin spikes. People dont have perfect willpower. There’s a risk of overeating, and I would say the insulin driven food cravings tend to drive more sugary/carb or junk food cravings and eating. The OP is taking into account his natural tendency to eat worse when he eats sugary foods, so I see his request of the type “what non-sugary carb foods or stategies can I use to meet cal requirements”. As a high-metabolism person myself this question hits home for me. And it doesnt seem like a batshit theory.
@tomw2016 I agree. I guess I just thought the OP was having issues actually eating enough. Therefore adding some “trashy” food might help if he has no appetite. Also apologies for the initial dickhead response to your post. It has been a rough week to say the least.
@grapheme Eating sugar does not lead to more fat.

I would start looking at a beginner's guide to mass gain like the one from RP:

Basically, set a calorie target, set protein target, set fat target, rest from carbs. There are infinite food choices out there - find ones that you like the best. If you don't like rice, don't eat it.
@grapheme I also do my best to avoid sugar, but peanut butter, trail mix, nuts, hummus with pita chips, kashi cereal in my yogurt are a few things I add to my daily intake for extra calories.
@grapheme Fat sources. Nuts ,seeds, and oils. They will make your diet healthier while providing more calories in a smaller volume.
Olive oil
Peanut butter
Coconut oil
Flax seed
Chia seeds
@grapheme i drink 1000 calorie shakes when i wake up early in the morning- adjust oats for carbs, protein powder for protein and peanut butter for fats. only have 2 meals after, makes bulking so much easier.

disclaimer- taste like cement mix tho, but i get it down in like 15seconds(beats cooking and eating a full meal for me)