What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

@or19937 If you're overweight then don't jog; you'll fuck up your knees and regret it for the rest of your life. Walk or something instead for general fitness. As for the weight, there is unfortunately no way around it: you have to figure out a way to eat less. For that- the calorie deficit- some things are universal, like cutting out all drinks with sugar in them. Beyond that, different things work for different people. You could try keto, or veganism, or intermittent fasting, or calorie counting. It is really hard to lose weight because it takes constant self-control. Putting down the fork is as hard as lifting the barbell, every single time. But you can do it!
@or19937 The best form of cardio that really got me to shred some extra pounds was incline walk on the treadmill. If you set it up on speed 3, incline 12 and do it for 20-30 mins you will notice significant changes in just a few weeks.

Plus its super low impact on the joints. It’s definitely not easy because you start feeling that incline after just a few minutes but you got to build yourself up to that point where you can do 20-30 mins.

And then of course you have to clean up your diet as well. That’s where you will lose 80% of your weight.
@or19937 Calorie reduction will be more important, best workout is just whatever you enjoy. If you like
Jogging on the treadmill keep at it. If you don’t and you’re just doing it because you think you should, try something else you’ll enjoy. Don’t force one workout over another because it’s burns more calories or something because that doesn’t actually matter for consistent weight loss anywhere near as much as just eating fewer calories and doing any form of exercise you can consistently do. Long walks may burn fewer calories than a jog, over the same amount of time. But you can walk whenever, for hours, minimal effort, where as a jog takes some effort and won’t last as long, (unless you enjoy it in which case go crazy). If it’s a chore, it’ll probably wind up burning less than just long walks over time - and again it doesn’t burn that many calories anyway. Activity throughout the day (total step count) and reducing calorie intake will be way more potent tools for weight loss.

Only thing I would add is consistent resistance training, so instead of sometimes doing arms or leg press try to do them every week increasing weight and reps on whatever exercises you pick. Best bet is just to choose any beginner weight training program
@or19937 I'm in your place, but a couple decades older. I destroyed my knees when I was in the Marines, so running/treadmill was out. I started losing weight by listening to my body, not my brain and fomo. Went from 313 to 250, took a couple of years but it was without any major exercise outside of my job. Got both knees replaced in May 2022, lost another 20 lbs after 3 months, again no exercise at all while recovering.

Hit the gym a year ago, first to rebuild the strength in my knees and hips with the assistance of a trainer. Did a lot of stretching and leg exercises at first. I immediately hit the stationary bike, first with light resistance for 5 minutes. I increased resistance and time each week. Weights included sled work, squats (at first without weight), leg press, leg extensions.

In April we added upper body including dead lift, bench press, more kettle bell stuff. It's starting to become more intense and interesting.

It's a long process to go from sedentary to losing weight and gaining strength. I'm seeing results, and those around me are seeing them too. I used to hate going to the gym, now I'm there 90 minutes 5 days a week. Good luck in your journey.
@or19937 Walking. I wouldnt run. Im 222 pounds and my lower leg muscles struggle with my weight. So think about what it would be like for yours. Go for a 30 minute walk everyday.
@or19937 I went from 338 and now at 270. Goal is 219. 43 years old and 5’11” also.

Count calories. You shouldn’t need more than 1800-1900 daily. No sugar and keep alcohol under control.

Start jogging. I do 2 or 4 miles 3-4 times a week.

Work on conditioning/cardio lifting vs bulk. Kettlebell, macebell (my fav), circuit boxing classes, yoga and generally anything that makes you sweat and you enjoy. You can bulk when you are happy with weight. You can bench/squat/deadlift but don’t focus on it. If you want to move heavy weights do clean and jerks or snatches.
@or19937 I started with cardio and weight lifting. I focused on training the heart through steady state cardio and complimented it with weights. I primarily use dumbbells as that is what I have at my house. I basically go to the gym for the cardio machines. Get your heart pumping, but be prepared to spend at least 30 minutes on the machine. Also, diet is extremely important, moreso than what you do in the gym. I took a very aggressive approach to counting calories in the beginning which long-term is not entirely sustainable to have that much of a deficit. However, it can be done but as you progress you will need to eat more calories to account for what you are burning. Walking is great, the exercise bike is also great. There are tons of dumbbell only programs out there as well is resistance workouts. It ain't easy, remember that. Be ready to be committed.
@or19937 The best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy the most. The only thing you need is to be a calorie deficit, so doing something you’re more likely to do more often is the best way to help you achieve that (apart from eating less). The reason your friend lost weight quickly was because he was burning more calories.
@or19937 Echoing what everyone is saying about food. And you do NOT have to eat boring food to lose weight! Female, 30lbs down because of diet change. Now I’m working out. I was doing cardio when in weight loss mode and now and using weights to get stronger. Eat all the proteins and veggies you want, and keep your carbs healthy (ie rice or potatoes). There’s definitely people on here who are going to have more concrete / specific nutrition advice, but I basically ate all I wanted protein and veggie wise and was FULL and lost weight.
@or19937 Weight loss is mostly in the kitchen. At this stage, I would just focus on building healthy habits you can do more of later.

Personally, I would forget about the gym for cardio and just get outside and go for walks. It will help you mentally.

I would start on the basics on weight lifting as well, just starting with free weights.