What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?


New member
I’m just curious what you all have done that might seem really simple/obvious but have made noticeable differences in your fitness levels.

I’ve started to get back into being active and am currently running 3x a week (almost done with the C to 5K program) and am loving the benefits I’ve noticed to my endurance, mental health, and self worth. I’m looking for some additional things I can do to improve my fitness and keep things interesting. Thank you all!
@eyeq I walk everyday. 8-12k steps is what I aim for. I used to be a cardio queen at the gym but walking is the best thing I’ve done for myself. I’ve also been using ketones in my water before walking and through the day. Helps with mental clarity and weight loss
@eyeq Yeah walking is the greatest physical elixir . It helps fat loss and body comp. It’s low impact. Whenever I run or use the treadmill my legs get incredibly swollen and inflamed. Walking never does that and it actually helped me slim down my super muscular fat legs
@eyeq When I go to Costco I never get a shopping cart 😆 and just carry all the stuff I’m going to buy! I usually get some weird looks but I would swear it helps my arms/shoulders.
@eyeq REST!

Going hard every day will make you burn out. Every 6-8 weeks I just take a whole week off. When I go back I feel like I’m lifting better than ever, my stamina is higher etc.


Like good stretching before every session. Dedicating 10 minutes or so. Deep breathing. Helps so much.
@eyeq Warming up. I do a dynamic warmup most of the time I exercise. I do hip rotations, walking quad stretch, straight leg kicks, bootstrappers, and inchworms. I also warm up for individual exercises with a lighter weight it typically takes about 10 min but is worth it. I’m in my 30s and can’t quite jump right in or recover like I used to and this helps.
@eyeq Sleep:
I turn off lights at 9pm and watch junk tv. I take an extended release 4mg melatonin at 10, and have my bedtime snack which is actually like the next days breakfast…. I fall asleep easier and sleep better when I’m full. I usually sleep 11-7.

At least 6k steps a day. Fresh air and continuous repetitive movement do wonders for my mental health, it feels great to circulate, and it helps me feel regulated. I call friends or family.

MWF. Stronger by the day. A goddess-send!
@eyeq reformer pilates/spinning/strength training!!! i also mostly cut out alcohol (i never was a big drinker but it made me feel physically icky) so i only drink 1 to 2 times a year. I also have prioritized walking to places if it takes me less than an hour to get there. drinking A LOT of water, supplementing with magnesium/creatine/EAAs has also helped.
@eyeq Mobility. It improves every aspect of training, my mood & sleep. Also, posture ! Its the basis of making any routine effective.
@eyeq i live in an apartment on the 5th floor and only take the stairs now. it’s so good for a little thigh burn everytime i come home, and a couple extra steps down to start my day!
@eyeq I bike to work! I’ve been doing it so long now that it’s definitely become a habit. I had a flat this morning and had to drive and I hate it. I’m prepared for almost all weather and it’s only ice and snow that’ll stop me. We don’t get much where I live so I can bike almost all year. I recently applied for a WFH job and while I hope I get it, I’m going to miss the bike commute!