What are the "Big movements" of mobility/flexibility?


New member
Hey everyone, we often hear about the "big 3" in weightlifting and the "big 4/5/6" in calisthenics depending on the person for strength training. Basically it's often V Push/V Pull/H Push/H Pull/Squat/Hinge maybe some add Core to that.

Often people who advocate for minimalist training swear by them and guarantee that working only the "Big" movements is the best bang for your buck you can have and it has great results.

I was wondering what would be the equivalent for flexibility and mobility ?

I've been thinking and maybe those could do the trick :

1- Bridge motion: for the shoulders and whole back

2&3- Front splits and lateral splits, or maybe Pancake instead ?

4- Some kind of advanced Squat Sky Reaches, which would work both ankle mobility and spine rotation

5- A hamstring movement like a weighted Jefferson Curl

6- A movement that helps with V-sit/Manna and rear delt strength and shoulder rotation? Would German hangs be enough?

That's what I could came with tell me your opinion 😅

Thanks !
@khohanguc If I had to pick two, it would be the Split Squat and the Jefferson Curl. If you get those two down, your lower body mobility is going to be GREAT!

For the Upper Body, as long as you're hanging at the bottom of your Pull-Up and Chin-Ups and as long as you're using full ROM with a slightly elevated surface for your Chin-Ups, you're going to get a lot of mobility gains on your upper body without direct work.
@jermyn Thanks Phil !

Just to be clear, isn't there a typo at the end ? Don't you mean "full ROM HSPU with a slightly elevated surface" instead of "full ROM Chin-ups" ?

But that is still limiting for like V-Sit mobility isn't it ? I can't V-Sit but I can L-sit and from my understanding it requires way more shoulder rotation ? Or I may be wrong
@khohanguc Oh yes, I meant pushups! HSPUs too! They'll provide active mobility as long as you open the shoulders at the top.

I think it mostly requires mobility in the hamstrings. Definitely some shoulder extension but I don't know if it needs so much that you won't get it from the pushup work with full ROM.
"big 3" in weightlifting

Oh boy, let me clear this up. "Big 3" usually refers to squat, bench press, and deadlift, which are the competition lifts in powerlifting. In powerlifting, you lift weight. But in weightlifting, the competition lifts are just snatch and clean & jerk, which are lifts you do powerfully. I'm sure this helps sort the difference between the two sports out.
@esperanza20 I wasn't talking about the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. Or I would have added Oly. Just about recreationally lifting weight like they do in r/weightroom or people like Alpha Destiny do.

Was already well aware of all that so no it doesn't help. It's common knowledge dude
@de4an In general vertical push, vertical pull, horizontal push, horizontal pull, squat and hinge.

A popular calisthenics combin would be HSPU, OAC, Planche pushups, Front lever rows, pistol squat and Nordic curl. That's what mindful mover and the majority consensus here (I think?) advocates. With regressions available of course.

I prefer some movement different like One Arm Rows and kettlebell swings for hinge but it's just a matter of preference really, what's above is more efficient.