What are you eating during the week?

@dreamharp That's amazing, congrats on the losses! Interesting, Cheers. I was 220 2 weeks ago when I started and I'm now eating 2000 a day, which is at the bottom end. I am feeling hungry but not unfueled, I'm working out 5 days a week. Haven't weighed myself since but I can see a difference already for this cut.
@elakhim I heard it from Jordan Syatt on his Instagram account. He describes 12 cals per pound of goal weight as a moderate deficit so that it’s sustainable over time compared to bigger deficits that are hard to stick to or are too low to maintain/grow muscle. He seemed to indicate it works for both men and women. I don’t think it’s for bulking, he was suggesting this formula in the context of losing fat.
@basicsacademy I tend to try to meal prep out my work lunches with the particularly spartan stuff so I can eat bigger at home and not have to rely on willpower to eat healthier foods when I’m feeling hungry. Usually some sort of bean stew with vegetables.
@basicsacademy Here’s what my meals typically look like:


2-4 boiled eggs, and apple and a protein shake


greek yogurt, mixed berries, steel cut oats


6-8 oz Lean meats (chicken, pork, beef, fish, etc) with a couple of handfulls of raw veggies are my typical lunches.


a lot like lunch, but maybe with steamed veggies or a salad.

My downfall is evening snacking. I'm pretty good up until about 8pm. I should really just start going to bed earlier...
@jonnyblue88 That’s all fine and dandy on paper…but it turns out that I’m still good at snacking even with clean teeth. Just one of my many talents 😉

It’s not that big of an issue. I can keep it under control for the most part. Every once in a while though, the kids snacks start a callin’. Especially those yogurt covered pretzels 😋
@dreamharp If I get really snacky after 7pm, I have coconut whipped cream and some fresh berries on deck at all times. Throw a few berries in a mug and blast it with the whip cream and I am usually all good!
@basicsacademy These days I’m only really focusing on, but also being consistent with:
  • my calorie target (based on 8-12 calories per lb of body weight as I am trying to reduce body fat)
  • my protein target (0.8+ grams per lb of bodyweight seems to be what works well for me. Up to maybe 1.2 g. Beyond that seems to be of little benefit for my body and habits, but some people find benefit well above that number. Others find their most effective range to be quite a bit lower. So play with a few different targets and see what is most effective for you, would be my suggestion)
Keep in mind that we may all respond differently. So I’m not suggesting this is what everyone should do. This is just what I find works for me. Ever since I’ve simplified everything by only worrying about those two things, Calories and protein, I’ve made the most consistent and sustained progress.

Best of luck with your goals, whatever path you take to get there.
@dreamharp I recently got the Zero app for their 13-hour fasts (overnight) and if nothing else, it’s helped me cut out the late night snacks. I just start the timer when I finish dinner and then don’t eat until breakfast.
@uzezi My downfall is snacking because I like tasty treats sometimes.

I average 140-180 grams of protein per day, along with plenty of carbs and fats. I eat plenty.

Sometimes snaking is more related to mental/emotional reasons or habits, rather than physical need. Either way, it’s not that big of a problem. 😉
@dreamharp I’m in the same situation as you except my weight is around 220 and I’m having a hard time loosing fat and weight. I’m retaining the muscle by getting my 180-200g of protein it not loosing anybody fat. Has been going on for 3.5 months now. However I do not snack at night. Actually am going to see the doc because there’s no way I should be able to maintain this weight at 15-1700 calories per day. Makes no sense with a 5 day workout.
@pamgaz How confident are you on the accuracy of your calorie count? It may not be an issue for you, but many people seem to run into trouble when it comes to accurately tracking consumed calories. Might be worth looking into...
@basicsacademy your probably not eating enough calories and you are overtraining. Going to the "gym hard" is not going to help you get results. Priorities should be sleep, stress level, nutrition, then training. You should aim to get around 167 grams of protein each day
@jaxxyy I’m 5’2 as well. Doing a body recomposition plan prior to cutting- currently eating 125p/200c/45f. Lift 5 days a week, no cardio currently just steps.