What are you eating during the week?

@seventytimes7 Your carbs and fats are a little higher than what I was planning. Do you hit the numbers every day? I’m hitting a lot less than this. I’m going pretty well on protein. Why is it important to eat even more if I’m trying to lose weight? Bc I’m trying to recomposition myself and doing a lot of weights so it’ll help? It’s hard and counterintuitive for me
@jaxxyy I’m a little short on carbs but try to hit those numbers. I’ve never set macros that high based on a calculator, this is my first time having a coach. I think the goal is to figure out what my maintenance is and slowly cut from there.
@basicsacademy Unless you’re preparing for a body building competition or on a very specific program from your PT, 1000-1200 calories is way too low. Even with your weight and height, I would not recommend going lower than like 1600-1700 calories. Anything less than that and you’ll be losing weight in not the right ways - especially if your goal is to “look better” (i.e. it looks like you work out, not looking like you’re starving yourself).

But to answer your question:

Breakfast is always a protein shake, 4 eggs, a rice cake, and whatever protein I want scrambled in.

Lunch is a Greek yogurt bowl with some sort of fruit mixed in, and then either a can of tuna or a little rice cake sandwich with cottage cheese and packaged lunch meat turkey breast.

Dinner is a salad/roasted veggies, whatever protein, and one more shake if my macros need it.

I’m 6’0”, 188lbs, and meals usually total to about 1900-2000 calories and 180g (give or take) of protein.
@basicsacademy My cutting diet: (47M 5'9" 190 lbs)

Coffee, black, artificial sweetener = 0 calories

Morning snack, Quest bar = 180 Calories, 20g protein

Frozen lunch (Healthy Choice?) = 190 calories, 20g protein.

Afternoon snack, Quest bar = 180 Calories, 20g protein

Post workout shake = 320 calories, 45g protein

Dinner = 600-1000 calories, ?g protein

Dessert, Outshine frozen fruit bar = 60 calories

Total 1500-1900 calories, about 130g protein
@basicsacademy Tons of carbs and not enough protein. Lots and lots of calories. I have about 10% body fat (sometimes up to 12-ish) and am lean and muscular at 43. Not everyone is the same. I would experiment to see what works for you. I am not suggesting that you try my approach, I am saying that you should not take any single piece of advice or trend as gospel.
@basicsacademy People over complicate their "diets" because they're too busy looking for stuff that is similar to what you're eating regularly but trying to make it healthy and although you don't need to cut things out like pizza, sweets, sugar, etc entirely you are going to have to change your relationship with food and what your meals can look like to you.

I tried for so long to do the over complicated breakfasts, overnight oats, meal plans etc. When what it came down to was me making sure I hit my protein, carbs and fats at every meal being as simple as possible.


4 scrambled eggs + avocado oil

3 pieces of turkey bacon


1 packet of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of water & 150-250g of strawberries


50z ground beef/ turkey

1 Taco seasoning packet

175g air fried potatoes w/ avocado oil

2 tbsp sugar free ketchup


1 scoop whey protein/ water/ frozen berries + Rice Krispies


Any form of 5 oz lean protein, 150-175g of carb source (rice, potato) & Avocado oil w/ variety of seasonings & 1/2 cup of mixed veggies (onions/peppers or broccoli)

I see plenty of IG posts and other coaches meal prep ideas and some look amazing, but when it gets down to it you will be spending some time in the kitchen so spend it wisely and get in what you really need.
@basicsacademy Oatmeal every morning.

Rotation of: 6 eggs, spinach & lb of ground meat, green beans and chicken thighs, tuna wrap & banana.

I'm really really lazy, but damn simple is tasty.
@basicsacademy We need more details. Height, weight and a picture so we can estimate your body fat and muscle.

To bench your weight you need more muscle and strength. I know eating more sounds counter productive but the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn in the long run.
@basicsacademy Post your diet + weights of the food for the last two weeks.

Post your workouts for the last two weeks.

If you can't do that then do it to establish a baseline. I bet you aren't hitting those numbers. Abs are a function of bodyfat%

EDIT: Ran your TDEE numbers. You are between 2001 and 2300 from sedentary to light exercise, so if you are at 1400-1900 you should be losing between 1-2 lbs a week.
@basicsacademy Since you edited I’ll add you can’t lose stomach fat specifically. You’ll just want to lose fat % and put on muscle (probably by doing one followed by the other). That’ll probably work but also abs have a genetic factor.
Get MacroFactor and track your weight and all calories for a month and you’ll learn where you’re going wrong.
@basicsacademy My breakfast is usually 2 eggs, (sometimes with a piece of toast and a piece or two of bacon on weekends), or oatmeal and a banana.
Lunch is lean protein like a shrimp salad, or chicken and a veggie. Sometimes a pbj & banana sandwich if I have a sweet craving, but I always include fruit throughout the day. Mainly grapes, pineapple, or kiwi
My dinner I allow to be a bit heavier, but must include protein, (preferably chicken or fish) but occasionally tacos. Sweet potatoes I’ll have, but been cutting back on others, and I usually include a vegetable. I also try not to eat anything that has an excessive amount of cheese or heavy sauce.
Other than this I rarely if ever: drink alcohol, have soda, get fast food, eat frozen food/tv dinners, or indulge in donuts. I’ll have some dark chocolate occasionally, and I stay away from most snack foods 90% of the time.
Look into the Harvard plate method of eating.
@basicsacademy Bulking season is in full force. Going for all the gains…
  • Breakfast: yogurt w fruit and nuts. Protein shake
  • second breakfast: overnight oats and protein bar
  • lunch: chicken and veggies
  • snack: turkey meat stick
  • second snack: rx bar and tuna pouch
  • dinner: usually fish or red meat and veggies
5’10, 172