What are your lifting stats?


New member
I'll start.

Bodyweight: 70KG, 5'8" height.

Bench: 80KG x 5 reps

Deadlift: 120KG x 3 reps

Squat: 60KG x 4 reps

I haven't tried for 1 rep max yet, but I tend to keep my reps in the range of 4-6 for most sets.

I have been regularly and seriously lifting for the last 1.5 years. Was irregular (1/2 days/week) before that for a long time.
@myshepherd443 82kg Body weight
Deadlift 220kg x1 target 250
Squat 180 kg x1 target 220
Bench press 110x 1 target 140

No specific protein diet just normal home cooked food.
@myshepherd443 BW: 68 kg

Bench: 70kg *but it's been 2 months, and I'm at 60 right now, should be back at 70 next two weeks ez)

Squat: 130kg x 5

Deadlift: 150kg x 3 (but it's been more than few months and I haven't gotten back to it because it's too fatiguing and I play other sports which get rekt by the recovery and my subpar sleep patterns)