What do you do when you miss a workout?

@mdhess i use the caliber app which has a move function and move my weekly schedule a day later. it actually makes things less boring when i mix it up a little.
@mdhess If I knew I was going out of town ahead of time, I would try to front-load some or all of the work for the expected days I would miss.

For your example:
  • Week 1: I would not take the Wed rest day,
  • compress the schedule into 4 consecutive days. It may cause your performance to drop on those hypertrophy days -- so don't necessarily expect to hit rep PRs (but you might surprise yourself!), but it's just hypertrophy, you'll be fine. You'll still grow the same amount of muscle if you get 15 reps on your first set of curls vs. 17 reps. You know what I mean?
  • That second week where you miss Monday, again do 4 consecutive days if you really want to have your weekend free, or don't, and just take one rest day (Sunday) instead of Saturday and Sunday.
Shuffling everything around 0/10 -- would not recommend :)

You can definitely handle consecutive days of training. Is it theoretically optimal, no. Is it better than doing less overall training, HELL YES!

I have clients who just choose do all their work Mon-Thur (even their cardio), and then take 3 days off. I don't give anyone a set schedule by default, there could be reasons to do so, but I wouldn't make that assumption. I just give folks a workout order, and suggest when to plug in cardio, and they organize it from there. It works great.

You have the autonomy to do whatever you want!

Good luck!