What do you think about this guy's pull up and row technique?

@jeanetteh I want to preface this comment by saying this is 100% serious and not a troll in any way, despite sounding funny.

This is the same concept as Mike Van Wycks FART Training. Full Active Range of Tension. You will hear Mike call this "rocking on the muscle."

The basic concept is that most exercises use excessive RoM that does not specifically work the target muscle only. Lots of pros hold Mike in high regard for his training methodology and it's ability to produce stimulus with very little volume.

What is FART Training.
@dawn16 It’s basically a pullover in a pull up position (check the side angle), and the same motion as a hip supported one arm row that IG influencers love. Both are for the lats. The pullover pull ups is pretty good exercise. The row can be better stabilized by doing the hip supported one arm cable row.
@baker5 Not sure how you can do a pullover without actually pulling anything over. Seems like an unnecessary and inferior reinvention of the wheel in both cases.

it’s a partial ROM pull over or lat prayer motion. But it doesn’t matter, he’s basically doing scapular upward tilt, scapular depression and shoulder extension which are all the functions of the latissimus.

Unnecessary and inferior? Maybe. Maybe not.
@jeanetteh Don't do exercises that isolate 1 muscle in the dumbest way possible when there are 20 better ones that hit 5 muscles at once.

If this guy weren't juicing you'd be laughing at him, instead, you're trying to understand what he's doing as if he's delivering us esoteric wisdom from the Gods.
@jeanetteh Yeah those are fine alternative ways to perform those movements. I’ve done pull-ups like that before. They don’t target the muscle group any better than doing them conveniently, just differently. So sure throw them in the rotation and see how you like it.