“I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

@james_bigshort Oh for sure! If you can do a single MU, you gotta go Rx. If you didn't get enough of a workout, just do something after... but if you've got all the movements, you gotta go Rx and see what you can do.
@wangs Yes! This! I did Rx this morning knowing I can't muscle up, and can barely OHS, so I set myself the task of 100 double unders in lifters, and whatever left of the time spending warming up to 52.5kg then seeing if I can pop off at least ONE rep. Did doubles in 6.5min, and spent rest of time warming up to the rx. Came so so close, lifted 50kg, but an inch or two away from the Rx, so I KNOW I can do it, it's there waiting for redo on Monday. Never been so psyched about doing ONE lift, when setting up the coach saw me with the bar with plates on and said delightedly (cos I'm crap at CrossFit) ooh you doing Rx? And YES I AM. So in three days time, aiming for just the one rep. #themagicoftheopen
@wangs I've always been told 1 rep on RX is higher than someone finishing two rounds of scaled.

I can't get close to a MU so my goal is to do the 100 DU, 20 OHS, 100 DU, and then use 220 as my score and finish the rest scaled with the free time just for my own benefit.
@wangs Are the rankings important for some reason? Which one is going to get you a better workout? Do that one.

Having a better workout is more important than having more internet points.

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