“I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

@wangs Ok, this pushed me over my doubt, I'll just gonna go for it and try RX. I'm not gonna finish, not even close. I can do a few Muscle ups so I might as well see how far I get.
@james_bigshort Oh for sure! If you can do a single MU, you gotta go Rx. If you didn't get enough of a workout, just do something after... but if you've got all the movements, you gotta go Rx and see what you can do.
@wangs Yes! This! I did Rx this morning knowing I can't muscle up, and can barely OHS, so I set myself the task of 100 double unders in lifters, and whatever left of the time spending warming up to 52.5kg then seeing if I can pop off at least ONE rep. Did doubles in 6.5min, and spent rest of time warming up to the rx. Came so so close, lifted 50kg, but an inch or two away from the Rx, so I KNOW I can do it, it's there waiting for redo on Monday. Never been so psyched about doing ONE lift, when setting up the coach saw me with the bar with plates on and said delightedly (cos I'm crap at CrossFit) ooh you doing Rx? And YES I AM. So in three days time, aiming for just the one rep. #themagicoftheopen
@wangs I've always been told 1 rep on RX is higher than someone finishing two rounds of scaled.

I can't get close to a MU so my goal is to do the 100 DU, 20 OHS, 100 DU, and then use 220 as my score and finish the rest scaled with the free time just for my own benefit.
@wangs Are the rankings important for some reason? Which one is going to get you a better workout? Do that one.

Having a better workout is more important than having more internet points.
@bfall It's funny how the story changes from "I do the Open to see where I stack up" to "just do the better workout, who cares about the ranking" when something like this happens.

I'm not saying you personally have made both arguments, but these threads are filled with both of these sentiments depending on which argument people are disagreeing with.

If it's a competition, people should try to maximize their score. If it's a community event celebrating CrossFit, people should just have fun and push themselves... for a lot of people, you can't have both. This workout opens the door for lots of people to have to make a decision about which way to go and I think that's a failing of the programming. People shouldn't be put in a position to decide between a super easy sprint workout vs. a workout they'll get 220 reps in 4 minutes and then stop.
@britebore Personally, I'm on week 6 or 7 of CrossFit. I know right where I stack up :) I still think the goal should be to push yourself, and I don't see 4 minutes of work and then 10 minutes of flopping around on a bar as being the best use of time.

I've been doing the open workouts based on whether I can do the movements. Today that is how I made my decision - which would get me a better workout. Went with scaled and was not disappointed. Might try Rx on Sunday.
@bfall Rx is going to force me to do 100 DUs (PR), 115lb OHS (PR), and if I’m lucky, another 100 DUs and time to practice a Ring Muscle Up

Scaled, would basically be a low intensity WOD until I got to the Pull-ups anyway
@wangs Why not do the 100DUs, 115lb OHS, 100 DUs, and then do some form of assisted pull ups so you can keep going to dumbbell snatches and more DUs? Then practice some MUs after

Also, while the scaled sounds easy, and it isn't particularly taxing on muscles, I did 898 reps this morning and it wasn't easy. More of a cardio workout, but still a good workout. Did some ring MU practice before the workout and got my first ring MU
@wangs I wish that the workout started with muscle ups/ pull ups. I don't have muscle ups, so I'll go scaled but anyone that doesn't have RX or pull-ups will probably go RX. I don't actually care about ranking, but it seemed like they missed an opportunity to kind of force people into their correct level.
@dawn16 If the MU are the issue, why not do RX until you hit MU’s, then switch to scaled for the workout factor? (only record your RX score) Then you’d still get your workout in but be properly placed among people with DU’s and high OHS weight like you, but no MU’s.
@drmirabilis Not a bad idea, that's what I did for one of the workouts last year and the transition went smoothly.

I actually think he idea of going scaled and trying to finish it sounds like a lot of fun. The scaled movements are pretty strong movements for me, but I still think it would be a race against the clock. I guess the only thing I would lose with this method is one round of 80 lbs OHS vs 35 OHS.
@dawn16 I was planning on just banging out the entire thing (with pull ups) until I finished to see how bad it actually is! If you’re not trying to murder your legs and treat it like a normal WOD, I think it actually looks kind of fun!
@wangs My plan is to see how fast I can do the first 220 reps RX then switch to pull ups instead of bmu to finish the workout.

It will be good DU practice if nothing else!

If I wasn't currently pregnant I would totally try for a muscle up...sigh...maybe next year haha
@britebore thank you! and hahaha yes. If i am pregnant next open something went catastrophically wrong LOL! Can't wait to get back to it 100%
@wandemotayo Except this is a silly way to look at it.

Either way, you're stuck at the same spot: getting up on the bar. You might as well spend the time trying to get something you could realistically pull off: your first pullup instead of not getting anywhere close to a muscle up.

Lots of bubble Rx people get their first (and only) MU in an Open workout. They should treat the scaled the same.

Doing it just for the ranking is putting your ego ahead of your progression as an athlete.