What does r/fitness not understand about CrossFit?

@gmeyerarr The difference here (not sure you're referring specifically to the World Series) is that the North American Big 4 pro leagues legitimately are the highest level of competition in the world, so they can plausibly say they are the best in the world.
@thunderstruck I get a lot of hate, but I think that a CrossFit games winner is probably one of the fittest people on earth. There really isn’t any other athletic competition that tests fitness in such a wholistic manner. Is it perfect, of course not, but no other competition exists that tests athleticism is so many different dynamics.
@cannie I would add to your list - the fitness sub, various others throughout reddit and just from listening to people everywhere talk, is that one of the things that keeps people coming back to crossfit is the community and social aspect. You just don't get that in a lot of other places.
@cannie I’ll add in that the reason for kipping pull-ups isn’t just for sport, but because CrossFit methodology focuses heavily on Power output, which is producing the most force in the shortest time. Kipping pull-ups are more powerful than regular pull-ups, and when the goal is whole body power development they win over strict.
@richard11 Most people still think of crossfit as the meme of people doing movements they don't know, at a pace they shouldn't be doing, with weights they shouldn't be handling.

Fitness is a beginner forum and people there should be treated as such.
@olirain I think the fact that it’s a beginner forum is insightful. They, or their FAQ at least, really understand the power of simplicity for beginners.
@richard11 Aside from what others have said, I don't think others appreciate that there is a LOT of scaling and adapting that goes on in the classes. Weight is obvious but substituting movements might be even more important. You Do You is almost a mantra.

Class Taker: I can't/don't want to do X movement/lift because I {am hurt, am sore, just don't have a desire to}.

Coach: Got ya. How about doing Y instead?

Class Taker: Great. That I can do.

Tomorrow, for example, has rope climbs programmed. I find no joy in doing those so I'll do something else. A coach may say "Ya know, you really can do those." and I'll say "I could but I'm going to do pull ups instead." And they will chuckle and say great.

You don't see that exchange in fail videos or at the Games but it's a fact in just almost 100% of the classes I've been in.
@sojchd doesn't that depend on how self aware you are and how observant your coach is? given that there is direct and indirect peer preasure and a competition and time aspect to CrossFit I can see that some people might over do it and that's probably where all this bad rep comes from.
you have the same in a traditional gym with ego lifting but the overall intensity is probably on a lower level