What is the point of keep training as a natural if you have been training for 2 years ?


New member
Hey guys so i've been lifting and training for about 2 years now with 1 year of good diet. For the last week i got really bad body dysmorphia and no motivation to train because i just look soft and my arms are not growing that much.

Every day i just dont have the drive to go to the gym, do the high protein diet, eating meals etc.

I am 21 currently 165 cm 64 kg.

Current physique :



Please give me advice guys, i hit rock bottom, a wall i just cannot pass.
@jlchoa Hey bro. Keep your head up. You are doing great and look better than the vast majority of the population. I understand your frustration but just realize that in reality you are a highly ambitious and motivated individual and are likely expecting unrealistic results.

Don’t be afraid to take more rest days. You could be burnt out and need a mental reset more than anything. I am 25 and have been through what you described more than a few times. At the end of the day if you stick with it you will see progress and results. It’s natural bodybuilding after all and years of hard work and dedication truly will pay off! Keep up the great work and best of luck👍🏼
@jlchoa 2 years is a drop in the bucket. It can take 10 years of solid training and nutrition to tap out your potential. Keep up the good work.
@jlchoa For what it’s worth, I think you look very impressive for only 2 years! You have a great frame for bodybuilding.

At 2 years in you still have plenty of potential to grow naturally, and your physique will keep getting better and more balanced as you find which body parts need more attention or effort. That’s what happened to me, and it feels really good to be able to say I’m natural.

You look more muscular than most of the people I see in the gym every day so keep up the good work.
@jlchoa You've got to be patient my friend, you're going to need to put in 6+ years before you see your full potential. Even then there are gains on the table, they just come much more hard fought!

Switch up your program, keep it fresh, new movements keep things interesting. I found learning to cook really kept me interested in eating right. As with your program, variety keeps you motivated.
@jlchoa All good my friend, it's OK to be down sometimes, but it's how you kick on and prevail that counts!

I've never regretted going to the gym, I've often regretted not going.
@jlchoa Focus on if they are fun and enjoyable to you while also allowing you to continue to train.

You're not gonna "win" bodybuilding either
@jlchoa 2 years? That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things when it comes to natural bodybuilding. You’ve hit your first wall and you’re already considering throwing in the towel? You’ll never achieve what you want with this type of mindset.

My advice?
  1. Slow bulk
  2. Keep training
    3.keep learning/do research
  3. When you hit a wall figure out how to get around it rather than giving up and deciding to turn around.
@jlchoa Love how I feel after working out. Mentally and physically.

I don’t want hormonal/organ problems down the road.

They only judgment I have are for the people who say they’re natty but are leaking juice out their ass.
@jlchoa Dude, you are looking great. Most people would kill for that physique. 2 years is nothing. You are still improving and will continue to improve if you stay focused and keep learning, adapting and evolving.

Do whatever, but remember choices have consequences.
@jlchoa I think you're doing quite good. It's a slow process and takes consistency over time.

Reason to keep going? You'll be a bit better next year a bit better the year after that. Sounds like small steps, but if you stop, you'll look smaller next year and a bit smaller the year after that.
@jlchoa I’ve been training for 5 years and don’t even look that good. If I had your genetics I’d go further. What are you doing in the gym? You need to bulk this winter and do squats, deadlifts, overhead press, etc. 5x5 and get stronger. And eat a bag of almonds everyday jk sorta.