What is the point of keep training as a natural if you have been training for 2 years ?

Forgot to mention, Im natty and im hitting some decently big numbers (375lbs bench, 485lbs deadlift, and 405lbs squat). Stay NATURAL man. pls :3
@jlchoa Well you do it for you. You have to also imagine yourself 30 years from now, you can either have back, joint, heart, etc problems or you can minimize that as much as possible. Also you’ll look better as you age. Yeah gear can def help but I saw someone say on a thread “it’s like borrowing from the future for the present”. Also, body dysmorphia is very serious, you should see a licensed mental health professional for that. No physique will change a poor self image.
@jlchoa What's the point of lifting enhanced?

If you are natty and don't look like this:
or this
You won't get a pro card with drugs. Look at the physiques that don't get a podium placement, on stage there are so many great guys and no one knows their name. There is no money to be made from this "hobby" and if ya try it's a job that has you working 40 hours per week.

The dream of becoming a lifestyle bodybuilder where you lift and make money from that is dead. Have fun in the gym and outside.
@jlchoa Dude you look great. Don't want to parrot so many comments here, but the mental element of it is always more taxing than the physical for me. I'll have literally months where I feel like I have to force myself to do it.

And then I shifted focus. I took a week or two off. I ate fast food. I drank. Smoked. And I got my ass back in the gym.

Why? Because I genuinely enjoy getting better. Better physique, better capability, better technique, what have you.

And honestly, it's one of the ONLY things that benefit and serve you as an individual. No one else benefits from it. Not your job, not your family, not your country. And this is corny, but I think of this clip whenever i start to feel bad.