What is the point of keep training as a natural if you have been training for 2 years ?

@jlchoa You look good you wont hit your peak till about 30 yeah later you might find it harder to gain muscle lose weight stuff like that but as of now you have atleast 14 year before you have to worry about any of that and even then you might now even experience anything bad like I have natural bodybuilding is a very slow progress unfortunately and body dismorphia comes with the lifestyle even people on gear experience it my best gains come between 28 and 30 as I knew more because you learn more about your body as you age you make mistakes when your young follow stuff you read not everything works so just keep lifting keep learning keep adapting trust me you got a good frame and shape and alot more gains to get.
@dawn16 I think it’s hilarious when people say you’ll peak around 30. Im the biggest and strongest I’ve ever been in my life at 39, and there is no end in sight. Train intelligently. Eat well. Sleep. Repeat. Don’t try to get big AND shredded at the same time.
@childofthecross I'm stronger now than ever my peak body was around 30 iv been training since I was 14 I'm 37 and no you can't consistently build muscle all your life your fat percentage may differ that's it your muscle will peak unless taking something to take you past natural potential I hit my natural potential at 30 and after 30 your test levels will not be the same and neither will your muscle fibers that's just science if that were the case then why arnt there champion athletes over 40 and if there are they are far and few all olly lifters you name it boxers mma fighters and so on list is endless even the world's strongest man yeah they still exist but they are not in there peak also I said you might not have problems like me I train with ulcerative colitis which not everyone will have any health issues some will mine is hereditary and it effects me massively I know for a fact when I was in my 20s I was training 6 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week I was bodybuilding doing muay thai jujitsu running 8 mile 4 5 days a week my joints hurt now I put weight on alot easier and it's harder to keep it off and recovery is slower if you think it is the same your in denial.
@dawn16 Bro. I’m not saying that muscle or strength are infinitely attainable. I’m well aware of the natural changes that occur with aging, but it’s been my experience that our culture over emphasizes the glory of youth and the degradation of age. Testosterone is highly overrated.

How hard to train and what your goals are also have a lot to do with when you hit certain walls. Trying to push your body to be as big or strong as humanly possible starting in your teens or early 20s? Sure, you are likely to reach something of a pinnacle in your early thirties, but how much size or strength you then lose is also relative to how healthy you stayed during training, and how much you’re able to train as you age.

As an anecdote I’ll tell you that I had a great uncle who worked in the steel mills all his life, and was fortunate enough to have kept up his health. In his 70s he could deadlift over 500lbs and he didn’t even train to deadlift.

I was a martial artist, rock climber, and calisthenics athlete until my early 30s. I needed to be light and extremely lean in order to excel at those endeavors. I didn’t start messing with hypertrophy training until I was 34, and didn’t get serious about it until I was 37. I have a lot of muscle that I can still put on my frame before it gets really hard, and that’s certainly due to the nature of my training history.

The point is that even though is started these pursuits after my alleged biological “peak,” my body has responded with continued accrual of muscle mass and strength.

I’m sorry about the ulcerative colitis, that is a brutal thing to live with. Much respect to you for building a lifestyle around health and training while dealing with that.
@childofthecross Yeah I'm with you in what your saying and like I said I also am stronger now I do believe in the term old man strength even tho I'm not old yet and I'm constantly making strength gains I have down weeks depending on if my illness kicks in but I alwsy come back fighting and thanks for the positivity I definitely agree with you as you started later building mass you definitely still have that muscle potential for growth and I think way to many people jump on the trt instead of thinking about diet and training I think I was more pointing to the guy already started at 19 and after 10 year of good diet and training he will most likely hit a muscle peak but definitely not a strength peak I know a few people in the 50s still making natty strength gains I think consistency is the main thing people forget and patience it takes time people give up way to easy and I know you can keep test levels pretty decent going into 40s and 50s if you just stay consistent with training keep up the hard work tho mate 💪I have no doubt people who start later in life can still get alot of gains.
@childofthecross Complete utter BS ur grandpa pulled 500 at age 70 without training deadlift. That’s quite literally one of the exercises if you don’t train it, you aren’t going to be pulling heavy weight

Tell me you don’t lift without telling me you don’t lift
@lordshadrach Well if your just starting I wouldn't worry I still do martial arts and bodybuilding and still make progress its just alot slower but I also been training a long a time and gains slow anyway if your just starting out you will no doubt have a spike in natural test levels aswell as you havnt already did damage to the joints so it shouldn't be to bad where I have did years of jujitsu running jumping squatsppwerlifting to be fair if I went back I would train alot smarter to save my joints if you have no medical issues that's a plus to just don't let it put you off you will still get so many benefits and you will still get stronger and faster I will never stop and plan on training until I die I'd rather be a strong hard old man than a weak one struggling to move.
@dawn16 Well that's a relief. Definitely no joint damage, just stiffness since I never really did any sport or movement until this year... It's been very painful.
Just running 5 minutes or lifting the empty bar still gets me wrecked.
I don't mind slow as long as I eventually catch up and get big
@lordshadrach Just build up do a programme like 5x5 to start with to build up strength make sure your stretching and just build up your cardio maybe just add 5 mins every week until your doing a solid 30 mins skipping is good to for coordination and footwork make sure your eating right and be consistent you should be good.
@jlchoa It's a marathon, not a sprint contest. In the end , all the gains are yours. Love the sport , love the process , be healthy.
@jlchoa You look awesome man!

You look like Bruce Lee with some size on him.

And I mean that as a serious compliment, because Bruce Lee was one of my childhood heroes. I spent years in the martial arts because of Bruce Lee. I even have his books.

You are only 21. Fitness is a life long endeavor. I'm 62 years old and I'm still at it, challenging myself in the weight room 5 days a week, and still looking in the mirror sayin shit like, "I think I need to work on my delts more."

If bodybuilding was easy, everybody would be doing it.
@jlchoa Bro you got good physique for only 2yrs of lifting. Our reality of what is a good physique is jaded by social media and lot of dudes in the industry lying about being natty. Also you only see the top 0.1% genetics instagrams and assume that is achievable but that’s obviously very unrealistic.

Keep hitting the gym, you already look better than 99% of guys, don’t be too hard on yourself. I always did the same, and yet there is a reason all my friends look to me for gym advice. We just have extremely high expectations of what is achievable naturally and in unrealistic timeframes.

Keep grinding my boy snd enjoy yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day
@jlchoa I mean I was once in your shoes man. No progress, lack of motivation. I stuck with it. I slowly made progress. I increase my calorie intake and my lifts skyrocketed. but it took time. I went from 140lbs bodyweight to 200lbs bodyweight in 3 years. Just stick with it, if working out was easy, everyone would be doing it.