What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

@christian2011 0.1%

I wouldnt really count supplements because then are we also not counting extra food and higher protein food? Even then I would say not very much at all.

I get a $5/mo gym membership through my work (includes classes like yoga) that's very close and I go at lunch so I wouldnt count gas, wouldnt count shoes or clothes either because its stuff I already had.
@christian2011 I run, weights at home, online pilates at home and go to pilates classes a 2-4 times a month (or more if I"m doing some intro offers).

Allowing for:
  • Pilates classes in person
  • Online pilates subscription
  • 2-3 pairs of running shoes a year
  • Arbitrary amount for clothes
I'm at about 2%

Excludes weights etc bought 3-4 years ago :)
@christian2011 Basically all of my disposable income. I save a bit, but otherwise almost everything I spend is sport related. So maybe 30% ish? I’m including transport, memberships, kit, clothing, holidays though.
@christian2011 I spend 2.5% out of pocket but I also have a job and a side gig that give me discounts or even fully cover the cost of some of my fitness stuff.
  • 1% on Classpass membership
  • 1% on a personal trainer (would be 4% without job)
  • 0.5% on clothes/shoes/accessories/equipment (would be 1% without job)
  • 0% on gym membership (would be 2% without job)
@christian2011 150/mo -> Powerlifting coach

Gym A (Specialized strength gym but I have to drive to it) -> 25/mo (w. annual work subsidy)

Gym B (Commercial gym 3 blocks from apartment, live in major city) -> 45/mo

Supplements & Pre-workout -> 30/mo

350/month total, I probably spent 12-13 hours a week at the gym though. Thats 5% of my total monthly income post taxes, or 11.5% of my spending money post recurring bills.

Clothes/equipment is under 200 a year unless I have to replace something major like my belt.
@christian2011 I spent about $600 total on my home gym equipment over the course of probably a decade+ and finished it about 3 years ago, so 0% now. I used life insurance money on the most expensive parts, so none of my work income at all except for some dumbbells years and years ago. Most of my workout clothes are pretty old, too, haven't bought any in years.

I was taking gymnastics but haven't been able to go for about a year. Anything medical is $0 thanks to excellent insurance.
@christian2011 Mine l think would be about 10% which includes my yoga studio membership, climbing gym membership, pole dance classes, and a little extra for workout clothes/equipment. I’m lucky I have a good income to support my hobbies, definitely couldn’t have afforded all of it a few years back but it’s worth it! It’s my biggest non essential spending category.
@christian2011 I’ve poured like $10k into my home gym equipment and weather control but I’m all set for now, so $0 recurring expenses.

I may spend $100 in clothes and shoes twice per year but that’s it.
@christian2011 Gym memberships are paid through my health insurance at no cost to me, but I have a bodybuilding coach so that's $300/mo. I spend about $75-100/wk on groceries, and workout clothing is probably close to $300/year or less. Competition costs are kind of crazy but I'm not there yet so I won't bother including it.
@christian2011 I'm too lazy to do math for percentages. I make around $65k in the midwest, single, no kids, live alone in my own small home.

Gyms: $35/month; In winter I get a separate membership for more options which is about $30/month.

Supplements: I probably spend about $400/yr on protein powder and pre workout. I'm not counting my multi vitamin, vit D, or protein bars that I get as more of a treat/candy bar rather than a dedicated part of my diet.

Shoes: I tend to go through 3-4 pairs of running/walking shoes per year. I'm a bargain hunter so tend to get them at about $50-80/pair.

Clothes: I really don't keep track of this. Athlesiure is my main style that I wear, so I think of my workout clothes as more part of my normal clothes. I get most of my workout clothes from Marshalls/TJ Max, Target clearance section, or Amazon. I've never paid more than $20 for a piece of workout clothing. Usually it's more under $15.

Race entries: This varies by year, but I like to do trail races. I probably spend $150/yr on these.

Random stuff: This includes any random classes I take or a new shaker bottle or a gym bag or things like that. Usually averages to about $30/month.
@christian2011 I've never thought about it in percentage terms. I'm not going to a gym right now so I have no ongoing expenses, but I also splurge on good shoes and clothes and buy whatever I need for fitness. It adds up, but I make good money so it's probably still only about 1% or so.
@christian2011 Not sure about the %…

I spend $65 on my Peloton membership, about $600 every 1 year (or 18 months) for hot yoga classes and maybe $120/month on supplements or clothing/shoes/random stuff.

I train at home and my home gym is all set up and paid for so no expense there!

I say around 1% probably goes towards fitness related things?

Last year was more because I competed in bikini a couple of times and probably spent 6K on hotels, gas etc. And coaching 💸💰
@christian2011 Hmm....1%. For a gym membership and a tub of protein powder ever other month.

I've bought a total of 2 pairs of leggings in the past year and a half. Adding that, it's brings my percentage up to 1%.
@christian2011 This is interesting, I've never thought to add it up like this. I spend a total of about 8% on fitness per month. The biggest is clothing/shoes/accessories where I spend 4%, then protein powder which is 2%, and gym membership which is 1.25%. (This would be higher, but I get a great discount on gyms through my health insurance). I spend more on clothes because I'm picky and wear activewear 90% of the time outside of the gym and at work since my job is active.